being a dev, and not just any dev but the one who forked abc, you'd think
@freetrader would be bashing BSV from a technical standpoint on a daily basis. yet we hear virtually nothing from him about all the technical achievements BSV has pulled off recently that should have an honest thorough technical investigator who believes in big block scaling jumping for joy. I'll extend this line of reasoning to the BU devs too.
Please feel free to contribute to the historic achievements of BSV in just this past month alone that I might have missed so that we can get this thread back on track to evaluating technical and economic merits, not personal bashings:
1. a boatload (lost count) of historic blocks way larger than ABC's 32mb limit not only on Testnet but main net.
2. a stress test of 128mb blocks fully sustained for 36h on Testnet
3. blocks between 51-128mb filled with "organic tx's" (from non mining node mempools) propagated directly on main net without delays both pre and post release: significant orphaning seen as a result of these huge blocks
5. ATMP limits not a factor in BSV tx's propagation nor validation.
6. Money Button, an organic market generated UX initiative to facilitate the uploading of huge files almost seamlessly that gets around the UTXO limits.
7. Bitstagram, an Instagram alternative that is improving daily
8. not a peep of double spending on the BSV network. sure, there aren't too many merchants yet but still.
8. the boatload of unwriter tools that I haven't even begun to understand yet intuit that they will have great implications later in the game
9. a new blockchain based browser
obviously I've missed several other projects that are in the work, to them I apologize.
there you go again, using a strawman response. "if you spend time" is clearly not even in question, lol. given the amount of time here you spend trolling CSW, you could have coded up a new client by now