Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
'these were just blocks mined in-house' no-one ever disputed this, and the person who helped release the block to the network stated as such immediately.

'make-work transactions' correct

signalling to the business world that the great scaling debate is over with is by its nature a publicity stunt which seeks to build confidence, yet without the solutions implemented yet to make it a reality, it is necessarily a publicity stunt in practice too.

My biggest takeaway from the block release was that it was a decision made outside of SV's present effective dictatorship, which is good from a decentralization perspective. (a group which was more than happy to follow amaury's sensible lead of letting tests occur on the testnet, back when we all thought we had dodged the long standing spectre of a developer deciding what is 'safe' for the market)

Insofar as to the position of BU in the large block bifurcation, I would only guess that the majority of people in BU that have dedicated their efforts to holding a position or coding work are much more aligned to the Dynamic? ABC branch.

Given how I see the incentive structure of BU, I don't think anyone is paid, its all based on contributions of time/energy by ones own volition if I'm not mistaken, then mandating something to be accomplished necessarily results in an effort of a lower quality, if there is one willing to do it at all.

But there ought to be common ground projects? Core cruft implemented towards anonymity and away from efficiency, coin age, dust limits...


Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
We were just one vote away from making BU an unbounded client with BUIP 101.
@Norway, the BU software _IS_ effectively unbounded as far as constants are concerned. It allows for blocks up to 2147MB whilch theoretically allows BCH and/or BSV to scale to handle 720 million transactions per day, equivalent to a significant chunk of the world's current fiat transactions. Obviously, there remains serious work to make that achievable in a sustained manner, but in principle it can scale without community issues like the scaling battle seen over the 1MB constant.

If BU's client can't keep up with the upcoming stress tests on BSV, it's dead.
This is as bad as all the fake news in mainstream media, The BU client has a lot of optimisation improvements, of which parallel block validation is a prime example, missing from the nChain (and ABC) software.

Please stop beating up on BU about scaling matters until other software is doing things we are not.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
@Norway, the BU software _IS_ effectively unbounded as far as constants are concerned.
I think the default value matters perhaps more than you do. Try to mine a 33 MB block on BCH today and see what happens.

This is as bad as all the fake news in mainstream media, The BU client has a lot of optimisation improvements, of which parallel block validation is a prime example, missing from the nChain (and ABC) software.

Please stop beating up on BU about scaling matters until other software is doing things we are not.
I don't see this as beating up on BU, and I'm not claiming anything regarding the current capacity on BU. There is no fake news here. Just don't be surprised if we see increasing stress tests on BSV in 2019.
So, ok, here we are ...

Bitcoin SV did not replace Bitcoin Cash as a big blocker payment coin.

Despite all this shit, the setback of one year of adoption for the sake of pushing developer's egos or getting rid of one individual - right now BCH represents the big block vision (Satoshi's vision :)) better than BSV.

I still prefer BSV, watching the data storage and the emerge of the metanet closely. But that's how it seems to be today. Ten years after Genesis.

If Bitcoin is BTC, adoption stagnated since 2016.
If Bitcoin is BCH, adoption is back to where it was 2013.
If Bitcoin is BSV, we are back to adoption levels of pre 2011.

I guess, for someone interested in using Bitcoin, it's a good time to start finding out if you could live with using Lightning. For someone interested in Bitcoin itself, it's a good time to boringly preserve the original economic protocol, in case the Lightning vision flops, as many suspect.

An interesting turn with BCH was that they actually slowed down development. The next fork will be very boring, and it seems Amaury tries to step a bit back from his role as an ultimate dictator of BCH. Maybe they really learned their lession from the last desaster. Would be somehow ironic, when BSV speeds up changing their Bitcoin, while BCH is forced to not change Bitcoin.

A bit like the phenomena in German politics, that the CDU (conservatives) asks for cuts in social welfare, but actually increases it, while the SPD (social democrats) asks to maintain social welfare, but actually cuts it. Same in Greece: the people needed a leader who loudly rejected the financial rehabilitation order from EU, IMF and Worldbank and allowed them to vote "no" (Oxi) - to finally do exactly what the EU told them to do.

Maybe it's because you have better chances to realize a large, public project, when the people believe that you don't WANT to do it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

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Buying a domain at namecheap. It was even faster than the video of coinbase from which Peter Todd says it must be a fake, because it is faster than possible...

No. I am just sick of this struggle about 'which bitcoin'. Things are like things are. I don't want to think I am "the only real Bitcoiner" in Southern Germany.
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What I mean is this ... This whole tribalism is shit. Look at platforms for paid content. Yours was great, but now the bch people use honest (which is still in beta invite only), while btc people only use yalls (which is ugly as hell), because ln ... While Montero and Ethereum people will use none of it, as long as it is not for xmr or ETH... And in Berlin, Springer partners with Satoshipay, which uses stellar (which nobody else uses)...

LN reinvents the real time payments, xrp and bch and btc-ln the tipper bot... A joke about bitcoiner was that they reinvent things 'but with bitcoin' . This made some sense. Today, every coin community reinvents what bitcoin already did, but with bch, bsv, lightning, Ripple, Montero and whatever ..

The idea, that it's not so important what you buy, bug how you pay was good for starting bitcoin commerce. In today's multi coin tribal word it has become a joke, a parody...
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Yes, I can't say how often I thought about this. Divide and Conquer.

To illustrate my point:

I posted an interesting article on Yours today. At least I think it is interesting. But only a few people will read it, because it is Yours, powered by BSV.

The real purpose of Proof of Work in Bitcoin

For variety, I also posted it with a Money Button on the BSV Chain:

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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Christoph, such is the nature of people.

They will expend more energy finding reasons to support their current position than they will to reconsider it. Adding massive bags only exacerbates this tendency.

Luckily, the world is big and the approach of BSV as plumbing isn't reliant on converting people who, if they have an opinion at all, their mind is made up for good.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Really wish we had some lawyers here, to confirm.

This CP stunt may just have killed all the home users? If true, it certainly lends more credence to the theory Bitcoin was designed from the start, to fit in with worlds legal systems.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015

Looks like BCH will not increase data storage capacity. This is good news. We all want BCH and BSV as different as possible to make it easier for the market to pick a winner in the long run, right?