just had a look and the amount of down votes for prompting decentralized anything but nodes is shocking.Looks like some smallblockers found that thread....sheesh.
just had a look and the amount of down votes for prompting decentralized anything but nodes is shocking.Looks like some smallblockers found that thread....sheesh.
Agreed, I concur. I often say that there presently is a greater risk from the centralization of manufacturing compared to the centralization of pools. Mining centralization in this case is more important, which is effected more by centralization of manufacturing and economies of scale compared to anything else.This is incredibly important info. Thanks for illuminating this for everyone.
just finished browsing thru that #REKT shitfest of the miniblockists. brg444 is enjoying the attention i'm sure. @Zarathustra doing an admirable job just like you.Some of you might already be familiar with some of my politics on bitcointalk. I have tried to express my alternative opinion on that forum for quite some time now in the face of some pretty horrendous trolling.
Much to my surprise however gmaxwell himself actually responded to one of my posts. He was not doing himself any favors however by responding to this statement of mine: "Bitcoin should not have any leadership, which is why the development needs to become more distributed."
He responded to me saying this, somewhat implying that he did disagree with me. I do not expect him to respond again since I can not imagine him doing so without it reflecting badly on him or he would at the very least need to change his position. Here is the post anyway, I thought you might all find it interesting:
I was rather pleased with my counter argument, I made sure it was water tight, not everyday I have a Core developer responding to me on that thread. lol
#1 lets core dev enforce a decision w/o user input or complianceShower thought: what's really the difference between these two scenarios?
- Core devs recommend an updated version of Core with a 2MB cap.
- Core devs simply recommend a 2MB cap (and people set it themselves in BU or whatever)
Well as Gmax said, there is no auto-update mechanism in Core.#1 lets core dev enforce a decision w/o user input or compliance
that's a big deal.Btcd dev Dave Collins, sounds like he has BU-like leanings:
Gmax is basically just saying if big blockers take over Bitcoin he and some other devs will just fork off, which is really the same as our argument (in reverse), isn't it?"If a unwise rush to over expand blocks destroys the fundamental value of bitcoin I will merely lose /lot/ of value, but I along with many of the active developers will simply move on, and begin a new system either totally new or one-way pegged against the (perhaps pre-divergence Bitcoin system) which we would believe would upholds the qualities that make Bitcoin valuable in the first place."
Thread go bye-byeOne more try with my animated pie chart since people are excited about the btcd news (every time this chart has made it near the top of the front page it's been deleted):
It is true, it really was the only point I wanted to make, I just elaborated and explained it very clearly. It is essentially what most of my arguments are focused on. Since I am also responding to people claiming that Bitcoin is being "hijacked" or that XT is an altcoin and such things. The community as a whole is going through some what of political realization with a reactionary and highly polarized response which in some cases includes a denial of this very political realization.Gmax:
EDIT: Now that I've read your (@VeritasSapere's) response, I notice you say a lot of the same things. The advent of real controversy makes forking as a governance mechanism a useful and necessary tool for the first time. This is a major paradigm shift for people to wrap their heads around and probably accounts for a lot of the confusion in the debate.
Can you find this quote? It could be pretty important to debunk this.@cypherdoc
but without the fee pressure there will be no optimizations made because there is nothing to motivate them.
Does it need debunking if it has already been established that there will be fee pressure, even without a block size quota?without the fee pressure there will be no optimizations made because there is nothing to motivate them.