>By disallowing a feature, you block the entire market from using it.
but to enable it, you have to add a new ruleset (OPGROUP), change tx format, and force all miners and nodes to verify your changes continuously. at least that's how i understand it from
@rocks's explanations. this is what core did by forcing miners to accept a 75% discount for their work to enable, guess what, a company profit model. like i said before, open source is about allowing permissionless innovation of good ideas, not bad ideas. now i'm not saying OPGROUP is necessarily a bad idea; it just sounds to me like a significant chunk of the community wants to wait this one out for more testing. and i think they should, esp from a macroeconomic POV.
>This isn't segwit -- I'm not deprecating BCH txns.
true, but if it forces all miners an nodes to carry extra debt then it's debatable whether it has any advantages over OPRETURN whose data can be purged from the UTXO set. i get your idea of wanting SPV wallets to be functional but my bet is that it's easy to establish shared local nodes even for third world countries esp if you believe that financially capable local businesses (who will run full nodes) will want to do commerce with those SPV wallet users, which they will.
>but an even stronger argument that it will be both popular AND simultaneously its popular use will damage Bitcoin Cash.
i thought i was doing that?
>I have no ulterior motive.
i totally believe you. this is a major reason why i've supported your efforts so heavily in the past.
>Now for some reason you are derailing the discussion to go into Emergent Consensus?
no derailment. i was only trying to demonstrate that i supported you heavily in the past despite me initially disagreeing with you, losing the argument, and thinking you have a flair for complexity. i'm sure i can do that again if you convince me that OPGROUP is a good idea. i'm just not convinced yet.
>And finally, BU didn't fail. Where do you think Bitcoin Cash came from?
ok, you can take that position. and then i'll take some credit for it's success too