Good day Christoph. I appreciate you making the effort to apologize for the outburst.
I wanted to clarify as to whether you have retracted this position:
I certainly hope you have dropped such efforts, thanks.
If I'm not wrong, I still see broad support from BU members for most of these suggestions, also from some independent people developing things on BCH. I think you don't realize the scope of dissatisfaction this affair raised.
There are still a lot of questions unanswered, for example about specific risks and benefits of those op_codes, the argument against op_group is still not convincing, a pledge against using software patented in a way that it can only be used in BCH seems to be at least worth a discussion, and giving miners the choice which BCH-client they mine on is something we absolutely need to settle current and future controversies by hashrate, and "lobbying" for their solution should be the duty of teams in the context of decentralized development. Most of these suggestions don't seems so controversial.
However, I retract from calling to brigade social media. This discussion should be as civil and polite as possible.
I hope the discussion improves until May 15th, the open questions are solved, and everybody agrees on a common road for a safe extention of BCH's functionality. If it will be like "all those op_codes have no clear application, but are a riskless way to open a world of more smart contracts, while op_group has serious risks we want to test intensively", I'm ok with. It's more a question of the procedure than the result.
If the procedure catches on, nearly all of my suggestions will become invalid. My comment was more like a "wake up call" that something has taken a bad path and needs to be redirected, even if this is not possible to do in harmony.
@Tom Zander
As CSW (and his company) have almost twice the amount of software patents that Bank of America has, I think its a safe bet to assume he patented some stuff that is part of any Bitcoin Cash node, current and future.
Are these patents real, or are they just approvals for patents?
In Europe I think software patents do not exist, so maybe it would be nice if you all move here