Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
@Justus Ranvier

Is the scenario that you're describing one where a wallet has a diversity of different outputs to select from such that you could end up w/ a payment where it's uneconomical to create the change output (some combination of the byte cost of creating the output and the size of the change output being < typical tx fee) that you would just consume the remainder as miner fee?


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015

KoKansei, Albert Einstein, Cypherdoc, Nietzsche, The Zerg, Solex, YDTM, Sickpig, Schopenhauer, Norway, awemany, majamalu, Diodoros Kronos, Zangelbert Bingledack, Roger Waters, Peter Rizun, Craig Wright, freetrader, Paul C. Martin, AdrianX, Mengerian, Leonard Cohen, 79b79aa8, Ennio Morricone, Albin, Inna Shevchenko, Tom Zander, NewLiberty, Shane McGovan, Justus Ranvier, Capt_Roger_Murdock, Jiang Zhuo'er, Lunar, Carl Orff, torusJKL, Haipo Yang, Richy_T, Dostojewski, rocks, Jihan Wu,, molecular, Christoph Bergmann, Roger Ver, Dusty, throwaway, Satoshi Nakamoto, satoshi's_sockpuppet and every single Unlimited fighter who fights the good fight:

Thus greeted Zarathustra
I don't know if I agree with you, but I'm certainly happy to be thrown in a list that includes Einstein and Schopenhauer. :D


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
One thing I find interesting is the behavior of the BCH price in relation to the BTC price. BCH seems unwilling to leave BTC alone. Look at the difference between BTC/BCH and ETH/ETC. In the latter, the gap widened until ETC was left comatose on the floor. That's why nobody talks about ETC in ETH forums. BCH, on the other hand, looks threatening. That's why there's so much talk about "Bcash" in the BTC forums controlled by Blockstream / Core.

This is 2010 and 2011 all over again, except that rather than "Bit-con lol", now the experts agree that "Btrash lol".
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Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
I'm a polytheist with uncountable gods:

KoKansei, Albert Einstein, Cypherdoc, Nietzsche, The Zerg, Solex, YDTM, Sickpig, Schopenhauer, Norway, awemany, majamalu, Diodoros Kronos, Zangelbert Bingledack, Roger Waters, Peter Rizun, Craig Wright, freetrader, Paul C. Martin, AdrianX, Mengerian, Leonard Cohen, 79b79aa8, Ennio Morricone, Albin, Inna Shevchenko, Tom Zander, NewLiberty, Shane McGovan, Justus Ranvier, Capt_Roger_Murdock, Jiang Zhuo'er, Lunar, Carl Orff, torusJKL, Haipo Yang, Richy_T, Dostojewski, rocks, Jihan Wu,, molecular, Christoph Bergmann, Roger Ver, Dusty, throwaway, Satoshi Nakamoto, satoshi's_sockpuppet and every single Unlimited fighter who fights the good fight:

This is the first time I have been called a god. :)

How could I convince you of the obvious fact, that CSW has very broad knowledge?
I think based on all the subjects he touches in his tweets and talks we can see that he does have a broad knowledge.
If that is enough to be Satoshi I don't know. But honestly I don't care (Australian accent) if he is or isn't Satosh.

What I'm not yet convinced of is whether he has a deep understanding of most of the topics he has talked about but is only scratching the surface.
We have yet to see the papers/data/code/etc. off all the things he has promised in the past.
But than again the absence of a proof does not mean that he doesn't have the knowledge.

I think CSW is a net gain to Bitcoin Cash.
At the minimum he brings interesting subjects up (novel or not).
Hopefully we also get to see those new inventions.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
Now that Maxwell is freed from his day job he's able to display just how disconnected he is from real world Bitcoin usage on the mailing list.

Apparently most Bitcoin wallets have so many utxos available that change outputs will be rare because improved coin selection algorithms.
Disconnected from the real world? He's disconnected from the arguments he made five minutes ago. UTXOs are evil right and will be eliminated by the Shining good that is segwit (if only people would stop blocking it).
I don't know if I agree with you, but I'm certainly happy to be thrown in a list that includes Einstein and Schopenhauer. :D
I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member.
[doublepost=1516811507,1516810886][/doublepost]If CSW is calling Kinsella's position on IP socialist, he is woefully uninformed (though I do run across claimed libertarians who defend IP also).
[doublepost=1516811942][/doublepost]Another issue I have with CSW is that it is very hard to find any mention of him in any connection with Bitcoin before the "I am Satoshi" incident (or indeed, much mention of him at all). Yet suddenly he's glad-handing prominent members of the community, talking at conferences and is a twitter celebrity. It all seems very purposeful.

Of course, if he really were Satoshi (or a close associate) who had kind-sorta decided to come out of hiding, it would possibly make some sense. On the other hand, if not, it's more and more red flags.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I had my popcorn ready in advance for when CSW & Kinsella would spar over the topic of IP.

I have to say, I'm kind of disappointed...
I don't think there is anything to be disappointed about. Bitcoin makes the notion that ideas that become tangible property protected by law obsolete, In the future Ideas that cant be quantified and valued and protected on a blockchain will be collective knowledge. the blockchain gives us new tools for this.

While we have a system that enforces IP, The Art of War teaches us that we should use it to our advantage.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
BUIPs 83 and 84 have been passed.
Thanks to all the BU members who supported my candidacy for another 2-year term as president at BU. This commences on 21 January 2018.

BUIP084 contains a bounty for coin-splitting instructions suitable to include in the BU website. This is open to anyone now.
Oh shit! I forgot to vote! I'm glad @solex volunteered for another period. And it's great that he'll continue his work.

To me, Andrew is the Churchill of the bitcoin war.

We really need an opt-in reminder service.
Email, SMS, Facebook. I don't care as long as people opt in. Roger Ver never voted (I guess he lost his membership for lack of voting) but I believe he would have voted if he knew.


We should have a shotgun of a reminder service.
Subscribe, and provide all the data needed to be reminded. E-mail, phone number, google's calendar, twitter, slack, facebook, instagram, tinder, you name it.

Anyway, congratulations @solex
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Even the infamous @brg444 removed any reference to blockstream from his twitter bio.

This is a snapshot of his twitter account from June 2017 taken by the internet archive

(the latter link is an of a internet wayback machine snapshot ;))

Bitcoin blockchain proof of existance missing.

Those archival site should really work with factom or whoever to facilitate such proofs.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
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Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
Oh shit! I forgot to vote! I'm glad @solex volunteered for another period. And it's great that he'll continue his work.

To me, Andrew is the Churchill of the bitcoin war.

We really need an opt-in reminder service.
Email, SMS, Facebook. I don't care as long as people opt in. Roger Ver never voted (I guess he lost his membership for lack of voting) but I believe he would have voted if he knew.


We should have a shotgun of a reminder service.
Subscribe, and provide all the data needed to be reminded. E-mail, phone number, google's calendar, twitter, slack, facebook, instagram, tinder, you name it.

Anyway, congratulations @solex
If we had elections date published in advance everyone could add them to their own calendar or reminder and would not forget the voting.


New Member
Jan 26, 2018
@Zarathustra: I have talked with him a while ago on the btcchat slack. He gave me a reason for the double hashing that sounded intriguing at first, and I was like "Whoa, nice!" Only to then notice after some further pondering that it was complete BS. When I then asked him about that, he didn't answer yet was still very active in the chat. Like immediate silence. Unfortunately, I don't remember the details, but maybe that convo is still archived and someone call pull it out.
Perhaps you mean this conversation:

awemany said:
csw, ok thanks you cleared this up, I think. to restate to figure out whether I got this: basically, you do the double hashing pretty much to make further analysis of the hash function - if taken as a black box - easier?

csw said:
A double hash reduces the input to a hash and makes collisions infeasible

Dr Satoshi Wright is not talking "complete BS", its actually a sign of computer science genius.

A prolific team of top scientists and engineers at hoaxChain even further explained the brilliant "A double hash reduces the input to a hash and makes collisions infeasible" comment in detail on their blog:

Hypothetical example of a collision

> sha256(bzZWVV..)=1b3f7e..

> sha256(9sdFi3..)=1b3f7e..

In the above example, two different inputs were hashed, but unfortunately there is a collision, which can have very dangerous consequences on the Bitcoin network.

Example (continued) of a how a double hash solves the collision problem

> sha256^2(bzZWVV..)=sha256(1b3f7e..)=XgApmo..

> sha256^2(9sdFi3..)=sha256(1b3f7e..)=EsmpYg..


Awemany, as you can now see, Dr Wright was totally correct, his explanation for the double hash was not utter gibberish at all. He clearly is Satoshi. Therefore Dr Craig Satoshi and his technical ability is a huge asset to BCash and he does not damage the reputation of that coin one bit. Anyone even suggesting Craig damages the reputation of BCash is an idiot. You should support Satoshi and his brilliant team of engineers at hoaxChain. Please stop spreading FUD.

N.B. My account is banned by the mods and /u/MemoryDealers/ on /r/btc. Please join the fight against this disgraceful censorship and attempt to control the agenda.