BUIP080: New Members for Election #8


Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
BUIP080: New Members for Election #8

Submitted: 24 November 2017
Voting date: 6 December 2017


This BUIP lists the new membership applications for Bitcoin Unlimited which have been received since the previous membership BUIP voting day. New members are not able to vote on the current BUIPs, but will be able to in subsequent votes, provided that their entry in this BUIP is passed.

1. @bitsko
Links: Reddit: Twitter
BTC public key: 1Bitsko32RrVBw4FxBRyM7x1bkbognCFFz

2. @singularity
Links: Reddit: Yours: Github
BTC public key: 15GEoJf5GJYAsdXxZCMt1iX4j9HcpvDzkn

3. @79b79aa8
Links: Bitcointalk : Reddit
BTC public key: 13K3dA4fefCUTX6VsNysqmNKfsmR93jhyD

4. @Griffith
Links: Twitter
BTC public key: 1Pcpj8sR5adRNMi8rZ1Zi7rg6GPqcmFHAz

Prospective members are asked to provide a public key which they will use for voting. Bitcoin Unlimited is a participatory organization where we do ask that people devote a small amount of time, every couple of months to guide the direction of the software and org itself.

More links to external posting history (e.g. Twitter, Medium, Facebook, Reddit) are welcome, and I'll add them here. In the current adversarial climate the links prove helpful to existing members to make their evaluation.

BUIP080 bitsko singularity 79b79aa8 Griffith
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A warm welcome to the new applicants, @bitsko, @singularity, @79b79aa8, @Griffith . I would much appreciate the new applicants' additional input before I cast my vote.

I'd like to reiterate that BU is just one of many bitcoin implementations and membership vote is how we govern changes in this implementation. Members contribute on a voluntary basis and membership requires active participation to direct this project. (Non-members can participate in voting issues. I would encourage it as it builds rapport with voting members.)

BU is differentiated from other bitcoin implementations by this governed method giving an opportunity to all professions and economic classes to participate in the development process of bitcoin, and as such active participation and diversity is needed.

The adoption of BU within the bitcoin network is voluntary and as such members only indirectly impact the direction of the bitcoin protocol leaving the network participants free to choose the software that runs the Bitcoin protocol.

It is a priority for me to grow an active and diverse membership that is robust enough to prevent the type of governing issues we've seen with the past, specifically the concept of a single reference client run by a hegemony of incumbent developers.

I don't have any good formula for improving the screening process for new members, and I'd hate to see membership deteriorate. I'd like BU governance to evolve into the best form of governance there is, so we are going to need a competent and membership capable of critical thinking.

Before I cast a vote for new members please meet me halfway and help me understand who you are by confirming the following:
  1. An online identity that can be validated that represents your participation in the cryptocurrency space (if you haven't already done so.)
  2. You've read and comprehend the Bitcoin Unlimited: Articles of Federation
  3. Can give some critical feedback on:
    a. one principal in the Articles you mostly agree with and why?
    b. one principal you think can be improved in the Articles and why?
  4. An appropriate screening question to ask new applicants to prevent introducing bad apples to the membership?
  5. The date you first started participating in some aspect of cryptocurrency discussion.
;) I think other members would also be interested in your responses.

P.s. You don't need to be a member to participate in development, everyone is welcome in the process. I'd encourage you all to ask questions, comment, discuss address advantages or disadvantages in the current BUIP's. Your participation and ideas are welcome.

Thanks in advance.



Aug 17, 2016
1. Already provided.

2. Well for a start the link provided doesn't work :). Working link is Bitcoin Unlimited: Articles of Federation. Yes, I have read up on it. Excellently written document.

3. a. "Bitcoin is interdisciplinary". This is so astoundingly poorly understood by Core. They think Bitcoin is code.

3. b. "Mining Pool" - This could be improved by allowing people to vote with their funds somehow.

4. "What is Bitcoin?"

5. Summer 2011.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
I would much appreciate the new applicants' additional input before I cast my vote.
(Non-members can participate in voting issues. I would encourage it as it builds rapport with voting members.)
I actually have refrained on voicing opinions on voting matters, since I am not a member. So it is good to know this point of view.
  1. An online identity that can be validated that represents your participation in the cryptocurrency space (if you haven't already done so.)
  2. You've read and comprehend the Bitcoin Unlimited: Articles of Federation
  3. Can give some critical feedback on:
    a. one principal in the Articles you mostly agree with and why?
    b. one principal you think can be improved in the Articles and why?
  4. An appropriate screening question to ask new applicants to prevent introducing bad apples to the membership?
  5. The date you first started participating in some aspect of cryptocurrency discussion.
  1. I post on reddit, infrequently, as u/DQX4joybN1y8s. I also used to post on BCT with (a longer version of) this handle.
  2. Still looking good. I was amazed at the time these came out with how quickly they seemed to have been composed.
  3. (a) Article 1, II. The BCH fork was a demonstration of bitcoin's last-word, revolutionary governance mechanism. It appears the general public has yet to catch up with this. (b). Not something in the articles per se, but this seems to be a real issue. Which is obviously why it is important to screen potential candidates carefully.
  4. Since anyone can just lie, track record has to speak for itself.
  5. I was asking you noob questions sometime in 2013.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
A warm welcome to the new applicants, @bitsko, @singularity, @79b79aa8, @Griffith . I would much appreciate the new applicants' additional input before I cast my vote.
  1. An online identity that can be validated that represents your participation in the cryptocurrency space (if you haven't already done so.)
  2. You've read and comprehend the Bitcoin Unlimited: Articles of Federation
  3. Can give some critical feedback on:
    a. one principal in the Articles you mostly agree with and why?
    b. one principal you think can be improved in the Articles and why?
  4. An appropriate screening question to ask new applicants to prevent introducing bad apples to the membership?
  5. The date you first started participating in some aspect of cryptocurrency discussion
Sorry for a delayed response. Last 12 days have been a bit of hell. people living with me went from 4 to 8.

1) You can find me fighting with core trolls on twitter most days ( https://twitter.com/CU_Griffith ) im also active in the altcoin section of BCT (same handle). i spawned there in 2013 and fear i will never leave. i do dabble with some altcoin stuff.

2) the rules they vote for with their hashpower... core does not understand this. I agree that i have read and understand the articles.

3a) Article 1 in general is something i feel is very important. i got involved with crypto understanding the principles laid out in satoshi's whitepaper and i dont think we should give up on them now (especially because of a group that things having the businesses keep "tabs" for their customers is a good idea...)

3b) I think any reference to CPU should be redefined to computational computing power. some people cant grasp the concept that an asic is a type of CPU by definition. they see them as two different things. also i noticed that in article 2 section 2 it is never specified if there is a max limit to the number of terms a person can either consecutively or overall hold an officer position(s). even if there are no specific limits i think this should be explicitly stated somewhere

4) I dont think there is any 1 question u can ask tbh. Continuous evaluation as you go on would be the best method i suppose.

5) Any aspect? i guess that would be the day i registered on BCT. November 17, 2013. If i remember correctly.. i think my first post was to ask about an issue with setting up Qt in windows. i dont remember though, and BCT history wont go back that far


Staff member
Aug 29, 2015
Great to have such high-quality candidates this time around!

Hope you make it in, you would all make fine additions to the BU membership!

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