Wright or Wrong? Let's read Craig Wright's "Selfish Miner Fallacy" paper together and find out
In the fall of 2013, Ittay Eyal and Emin Gün Sirer published a landmark paper titled "Majority is Not Enough: Bitcoin Mining is Vulnerable." In this paper, they showed that by strategically withholding and releasing blocks according to what they named the "Selfish Mine" algorithm, a deviant miner could earn more than his fair share of revenue.
It was well understood since the Satoshi white paper that a miner with at least 51% of the network hash power could earn 100% of the revenue (by performing the so-called 51% attack). However, at the time of Eyal and Sirer's publication, it was generally assumed that a miner who controlled less than half of the hash power would be incentivized to "play by the rules" because it was thought that all deviant strategies would result in a loss of revenue to the deviant miner.
What was important about Eyal and Sirer's work was that it showed this assumption to be false: indeed, a deviant strategy did exist that a miner with less than half of the network hash power could apply and be rewarded with increased revenue.
According to my count, Eyal and Sirer's paper on selfish mining is the second-most highly cited paper in the cryptocurrency literature (second only to the Satoshi white paper), and for good reason: in addition to being well written and clearly argued, the paper reveals a fact so counterintuitive that even those intimately familiar with the Bitcoin protocol overlooked it for five years.
With time to digest the impact of the selfish-mining algorithm, many people have pointed out that -- although certainly real -- its threat as a practical attack may have been overstated. For example, in order for the strategy to turn a profit, the selfish miner must maintain the attack for several weeks to allow network difficulty to reset and hope that during that time other miners don't retaliate by adopting similar strategies.
Recently, however, Craig Wright has made the (vocal) claim that selfish mining is a fallacy -- he argues that the probability calculations that Eyal and Sirer's used to derive their counter-intuitive result were erroneous. In his recent paper titled "The Fallacy of Selfish Mining: A Mathematical Critique," he claimed to "prove that not only is the proposed selfish mining attack economically infeasible for any group size of colluding miners but also that no such attack can be formulated."
The purpose of this thread is to work through his paper line-by-line and determine if there is substance to the claim, or if it is merely hot air.
In the fall of 2013, Ittay Eyal and Emin Gün Sirer published a landmark paper titled "Majority is Not Enough: Bitcoin Mining is Vulnerable." In this paper, they showed that by strategically withholding and releasing blocks according to what they named the "Selfish Mine" algorithm, a deviant miner could earn more than his fair share of revenue.
It was well understood since the Satoshi white paper that a miner with at least 51% of the network hash power could earn 100% of the revenue (by performing the so-called 51% attack). However, at the time of Eyal and Sirer's publication, it was generally assumed that a miner who controlled less than half of the hash power would be incentivized to "play by the rules" because it was thought that all deviant strategies would result in a loss of revenue to the deviant miner.
What was important about Eyal and Sirer's work was that it showed this assumption to be false: indeed, a deviant strategy did exist that a miner with less than half of the network hash power could apply and be rewarded with increased revenue.
According to my count, Eyal and Sirer's paper on selfish mining is the second-most highly cited paper in the cryptocurrency literature (second only to the Satoshi white paper), and for good reason: in addition to being well written and clearly argued, the paper reveals a fact so counterintuitive that even those intimately familiar with the Bitcoin protocol overlooked it for five years.
With time to digest the impact of the selfish-mining algorithm, many people have pointed out that -- although certainly real -- its threat as a practical attack may have been overstated. For example, in order for the strategy to turn a profit, the selfish miner must maintain the attack for several weeks to allow network difficulty to reset and hope that during that time other miners don't retaliate by adopting similar strategies.
Recently, however, Craig Wright has made the (vocal) claim that selfish mining is a fallacy -- he argues that the probability calculations that Eyal and Sirer's used to derive their counter-intuitive result were erroneous. In his recent paper titled "The Fallacy of Selfish Mining: A Mathematical Critique," he claimed to "prove that not only is the proposed selfish mining attack economically infeasible for any group size of colluding miners but also that no such attack can be formulated."
The purpose of this thread is to work through his paper line-by-line and determine if there is substance to the claim, or if it is merely hot air.
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