Why did Roger Ver leave the U.S.A.?


Mar 19, 2017
i am reading things online about why he left, i want to know what others think about the reason he left


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I thing because the US is not a free as people think it is?

As far as I know if you don't want to pay the income tax because you object to it being used to kill people in other parts of the world you are a criminal. The only way to avoid paying the income tax is to revoke your citizenship.

The future of bitcoin is not political. It's in understanding and deploying the best ideas, politics is in part used to change the criteria one uses to rate ideas.

Attacks on peoples integrity is no way to discredit the validity of an idea. Each idea should be assessed on it's own merit, ideas that are good exists independently of people.

When ideas are ambiguous some times you can ask the author if the other ideas they have are related, it doesn't always work the other way around.



Mar 19, 2017
the u.s.a is definitely not as free as everyone thinks,

yes taxation is meant to pay for wars, and for the pensions of politicans

there is nothing you can do but pay taxes, we can fight with violence,it will solve nothing

the only way we can solve banks taking from the poor is by programming better ways for people to take control of their own money, that is the new weapon, without violence

taxation in general is theft, its a great system to steal money, the banks are smart

is roger ver even a japan citizen? i don't think japan gives out citizenship too easy,

most likely he will never be accepted as a japanese citizen in anyones heart there

that is what i like about bitcoin, it is the start to breaking down borders,

because eventually we won't need passports to classify what type of human we are,

we are all humans, and thats the only thing i am
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"taxation in general is theft, its a great system to steal money, the banks are smart"

most of the taxation is covert - it comes in the form of inflation.

I think you need to be born in Japan and have Japaneses parents on both sides of your family to be a Japaneses citizen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"taxation in general is theft, its a great system to steal money, the banks are smart"

most of the taxation is covert - it comes in the form of inflation.

I think you need to be born in Japan and have Japaneses parents on both sides of your family to be a Japaneses citizen.
In the longer run, interest rates/dividends overcompensate inflation.

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