Who is Craig Wright?


Active Member
Dec 31, 2015
...really? Other than the SN claim, of course. I mean, what else do we know about him?

BCT recently had a post that alerted me to the following series of interviews from July 2014. As if the pot needs more stirring, this is pretty interesting:

And what of the supercomputer claims? Indeed, Top500 shows the claim to be plausible. Still. But has anyone been able to drill down to irrefutable proof one way or another?


New Member
Sep 23, 2016
Craig said the creator of Bitcoin above, however, after being in the inability to prove it, the last thing he tried to do was patent bitcoin technology and blockchainhttp://criptonoticias.com/sucesos/craig-wright-intentando-patentar-tecnologia-bitcoin-blockchain/

You can read the original news in English at this link http://ca.reuters.com/article/technologyNews/idCAKCN0Z61GM

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