Where to start in this forum?


New Member
Mar 6, 2020
Hi. I am a newbie here. Can somebody tell me what can I earn from joining this forum? And how can I earn it? Please educate me. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
i would take for granted most threads that promise ways of earning are scams. on the other hand, you can inform yourself and learn about the digital asset space -- this knowledge, judiciously applied, could lead you to make sound investment decisions (obviously there are no promises). if you are interested, go to the economics and policy subforum and find the gold collapsing bitcoin up thread. we've been discussing bitcoin in depth for almost 10 years. it is safe to assume most of the old timers have made a mint. it will be hard to go back and read all the posts (and it all started in a different forum), but i would at least go back to before the 2018 bubble.
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