Trace Mayer thinks Bitcoin Unlimited is funded by governments who hate Bitcoin


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I used to follow Trace, but he has detached from bitcoin, he is pumping Dash at the moment.

looking at the reality of the situation the global hierarchy goes like this: Transnational Corporations (not accountable to any government), Multi National corporations, Governments,

AXA being the second largest transnational corporation on the planet has lobbyists who set government regulation for there multinational corporate asserts, those lobbyists literally write government policy, revolving in an out of government positions and industry controlling government policy.

AXA funding Blockstream, and Blockstream dominating Core planing meetings, this year those developers attending over 80% of meetings 60% of them are Blocksrtream affiliated developers. (salaries paid predominately by AXA)

So its a little rich making cheep shots like that, but if BU was funded by anything other than volunteers - it would be low on the pecking order when looking at BS/Core.

anyway here is an interesting read about the beginnings of BU - the article gets Clasic and XT confused at one point, BU was launched before Bitcoin Classic.

My comments here:

much FUD.


Mar 19, 2017
you always seems to have bad things to say about everyone from bitcoin core

do you have a youtube account?

i want to see your videos and post them on reddit to see what you are saying is the truth


Mar 19, 2017
i also think it's important since you seem to have lots of information, you should be on youtube spreading the truth, and having podcasts with other people

this way we can know you are not a banker or a suspicious character


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@bitbee99 I presume you are talking to me, I don't think AdrianX will have a u tube account, speaking my mind has burned a lot of bridges. The more suspicious you are the better for bitcoin.

I have lots of great things to say about many of the people from bitcoin Core. Trace is not from Core, he does not seem interested in bitcoin any more - he is pumping get rich quick screams. - Trace was someone I followed when I entered bitcoin, I've even referred to him as the "Warren Buffett" of bitcoin. - but in time he is proving to be a snake oil salesmen, I even suspect he blew most of his BTC.

If anything I want people to stop following "authority figures" and start listening to what they say. - I want ideas to stand on their own merits regardless of who spoke them. thank you for your postings they are great, I don't want to sound condescending. if it wasn't for you I would never say what I say.

I enjoy the benefits of the wheal and bitcoin by using and understanding the technology, not by beveling the authorities on the subject.

the more simple the concept the greater it will grow, Bitcoin is no exception - if a distracted 20 year old can't understand how bitcoin works in a 2 minutes he is not going to be part of making it successful.

I am not a luddite, but I don't want to see innovation in bitcoin - I want to see it on top of bitcoin. Bitcoin is more simple than our money today - it must always be if people are going to trust it. If it becomes more complicated over time the control will centralize in the hands of a specialized few - and worse than out system today, those specialists will have no regulatory oversight. - make no mistake I want total anarchy, and decentralized everything.

Complexity in bitcoin will result in global oligarchy. - if we keep it simple and free of centralized control well see the industrial revolution 2.0.