The Voice of Coins Crypto Index Fund - Top 25 crypto assets in one

The VoC Fund

New Member
Feb 6, 2018
Cayman Islands

The Voice of Coins is an autonomous index Crypto Fund focused exclusively on investments in TOP 25 Crypto-assets by market capitalization.

The Fund was established in December 2017 by two former BIG4 consulting executives — Nikolay Zuykov and Arthur Ryabukhin. Today, they have built a team of highly passionate and involved individuals who collectively boast an impressive amount of experience and investment knowledge between them.

Our objective is to provide investors with a convenient,transparent, diversified and low cost tool for investments into blockchain economy.

See our executive summary and whitepaper

So Why Index Fund?

“Indexing” is a passive form of fund management that has been successful in outperforming most actively managing mutual funds in today’s markets. An Index Fund consists of knowledgeable managers that don’t depend on their brain power or luck as their quality of success comes from their ability to simplify processes, whilst sticking to formulas that keep costs low. An index funds will find the right solution and do the hard work for you to ensure your investments see profit.


The Voice of Coins Crypto Index Fund issues its own VOC25 tokens that consists of the Top 25 Crypto-assets available in today’s market with a maximum share of 20% of one asset within an investor’s portfolio.


This VOC25 Token covers 90% of Crypto market by capitalization which allows for a diverse portfolio. The Fund also has permitted automated account rebalancing every 15 days — providing you with comfort and trust knowing that your investment is safe. You will gain access to a friendly interface and dashboard with the added function of accessing a range of report.


One of the benefits of investing with VoC Fund is that the Fund does not use any intermediaries. VoC Fund uses maximum level of automation, reducing the cost of human labor.


VOC25 token has been created on the back of the Ethereum network, which already has a solid and proven track record for performance, with a wealth of growth opportunities.

Whether you’re an experienced investor or just beginning to build your portfolio — there is no better time to invest than now with VOC25 Tokens. Feel comfortable knowing that the team at VoC are not working for you, but working with you to achieve your greatest goals.

VoC Fund launches 01/02/2018. For more information about the fund or for general enquiries, please head over to where we will be more than happy to answer all of your important questions.

Start investing in Crypto-economics with VoC today and Hear The Voice Of Coins!