The problem and possibilities with ICOs


New Member
Dec 10, 2017
We all know that ICOs got a lot of reads this year.
There sure is a good possibility to maximize your profits with a good ICO, even if its just pump and dump.
What also has to be taking into in account is the willingness of the company to respond to investors needs. Even if they just invested 0.0001 btc.

This year I made around 75K $ with ICOs alone and only took the wrong pig 5% of the times I invested. This one time was when the devs didnt respond to my messages, eventhough their site looked real professional.
An example of a decent ICO with bad design is the Hiroas ICO from a german University. See at .

The design is not the best nor up to date but they nail their goals and they where even in german news as one of the first University ICOs. The Thing is runnning until January 2018 though so there is still some time to invest with their bonus.

I also invested in the ICO. Around 300$ in June and eventhough I received some Beth coins, the devs pictures were taking of the site and you never heard from em again. Everything looked very professional and they even had a login site etc. Well you win and you lose some.

Just be sure to trust your gut. Design doesn´t always tell the thruth as it is. Sometimes we just have to take risks and hope for the best.
As always: Only invest as much as you can afford to lose.


New Member
May 11, 2018
As more and more people getting aware of the ICO scams. Its better to take educated risks than going with your gut...the team behind the idea counts the most in this case