The Bitcoin Classic forum is now open


Staff member
Aug 19, 2015
Exciting time in the Bitcoin client world with multiple implementations coming to life in just a few short weeks and Bitcoin Classic now joining Bitcoin Unlimited and XT. Welcome, guys!

I spoke with @jtoomim and a couple of other guys on Slack about hosting a discussion forum for the Bitcoin Classic developers. While they're using Slack for real-time chat and reddit to get the word out, this forum can serve as a place for more persistent, public conversations related to Bitcoin Classic. The devs can also exchange ideas with the Bitcoin Unlimited team which should be beneficial for both teams.

No moderator assigned to this subforum yet, but feel free to nominate one here or in the general moderators thread.

Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Shouldn't take long though, given how minimal the changes are. I assume they could roll it out today if pressed, but there is a governance process to go through and maybe some more testing.