Forum Moderators


Staff member
Aug 19, 2015
Hello all,

So if you haven't been keeping track, we've been online for two and a half months now. It feels like much longer, I know. I've never seen a new forum gain traction and attract so many intelligent members in such a short period of time. Thanks to you guys, the quality of discussion here is unparalleled, and not surprisingly, much of the conversation is extremely relevant to the current events in the Bitcoin space and to the future of the Bitcoin protocol and, inevitably, cryptocurrencies generally.

I try to be on as much as possible but obviously can't do it 24 hours a day or read every post, and with the growing traffic to the site, the amount of attention we're getting from spammers is also increasing.

Do you feel like we would benefit from additional moderators here on the forum? If so, please post your nominations here. You can nominate our forum regulars or members of the Bitcoin community at large. Once the nominations are in, the selection process can also involve as much community input as necessary--feel free to discuss that here as well. Thanks.



Staff member
Aug 19, 2015
So @theZerg is now a moderator of the Bitcoin Unlimited Improvement Proposal forum, in case you guys haven't noticed.

Spam is a pain in the neck. I try to clean it up at least once a day, but it involves more than just deleting an offending post or banning the poster's account. You have to check the user against existing spammer databases and sometimes ban the entire email domain, ISP or subnet if it clearly comes from a "bad neighborhood." That work has to be done from the backend, so I'm not sure that having a spam moderator would help. Definitely continue to flag spammers though, because that really helps.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Surely todays candidate for the ban hammer has broken the forums terms and conditions, hasn't he? Do you need any more reasons to ban him?

Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Is there any way to mitigate the damage when a spammer/flooder gets in? Like a limit on posts per minute? Perhaps some change to the captcha could help nip it in the bud, if it's some kind of bot.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2015
They're human spammers, so bot-specific protection is not effective.