T-Rex 0.8.3 New Algo (x21s) Ritocoin
Key features:
Version 0; 8; 3 on the x21s algorithm will not work with the bootdog if the algorithm is specified via the command line. A temporary solution is to use the config. or do not use watchdog. At the weekend there will be an updated version of the watchdog.
1070-12.5 MH/s
1080-16.8 MH/s
1080ti - 21 MH/s
Key features:
- Multiple algorithm support
- High performance
- Backup pool support
- Support auto update feature
- Watchdog (monitors the work of the miner, reboots in the event of a crash / hang)
- Monitoring page there you can also create a config file from the batch file running by you
- t-rex-0.8.3-linux-cuda10.0.tar.gz
- t-rex-0.8.3-linux-cuda9.1.tar.gz
- t-rex-0.8.3-linux-cuda9.2.tar.gz
- t-rex-0.8.3-win-cuda10.0.zip
- t-rex-0.8.3-win-cuda9.1.zip
- t-rex-0.8.3-win-cuda9.2.zip
- watchdog-linux.tar.gz
- watchdog-windows.zip
- Added new algorithm: x21s (Ritocoin - you can mine on MinerMore, Blockify, Gos.cx, etc. pools, start on November 30, 22:00 MSK)
- New config parameter - share-avr - the average value of the ball per second over a period of time is indicated in seconds, the default is 600
Version 0; 8; 3 on the x21s algorithm will not work with the bootdog if the algorithm is specified via the command line. A temporary solution is to use the config. or do not use watchdog. At the weekend there will be an updated version of the watchdog.
1070-12.5 MH/s
1080-16.8 MH/s
1080ti - 21 MH/s