Switchere you will find all major and most popular cryptocurrencies — Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Dash (DASH), Ripple (XRP), Bitcoin Cash (BCH) — available for fast purchasing with a credit or debit card, converting one crypto to another and paying with your local bank.
The process of buying or swapping crypto turns into a pleasant online shopping trip that goes hand in hand with simple workflow, fast transaction processing and proven reliability. Besides, all users have a perfect opportunity to sell cryptocurrencies for EUR or USD and receive cash to their bank cards (credit, debit or prepaid). And that’s not all — feel free to sell crypto for Asian currencies (IDR, THB, MYR or VND) and withdraw cash via online banking. Only best and special exchange features for you!
Essentially, you get the exact amount of crypto you have paid for — all inclusive pricing and no hidden fees. Switchere — feel as good as never before!