SRBMiner Cryptonight AMD GPU Miner 1.7.1


New Member
Nov 23, 2018
SRBMiner Cryptonight AMD GPU Miner 1.7.1

SRBMiner Cryptonight AMD GPU Miner
OS Support: Windows



MD5: 36df9593c47b05657819d082c86df894 *
Download only these links, these are the only official links.

Recommended drivers:
Adrenaline 18.5.1, Adrenaline 18.5.2, Adrenaline 18.6.1
Do not use 18.3.4 and older drivers if you want to extract the V8 algorithm using AMD Vega! The hash will be very bad. Instead, at least 18.5.1 and newer drivers!

What's New in Version 1.7.1
- Added new algorithm FreeHaven
- Small OpenCL optimizations
- Added 3 different modes for heavy algo (Heavy, Haven, BitTube, Italo, FreeHaven)
- Added value "9999" for fragments, which will include the previous version 1.6.8
- Fixed benchmarking mode + error at startup
- Fragments, aes, bralock and heavy_mode can now be installed outside of gpu_conf, so this applies to all graphics processors.

Supported algorithms:
- CryptoNight V8 (cnV2) [normalv8]
- CryptoNight V7 (cnV1) [normalv7]
- CryptoNight [normal]
- CryptoNight Lite V7 [litev7]
- CryptoNightLite [lite]
- CryptoNight Heavy [heavy]
- CryptoNight Haven [asylum]
- CryptoNight Fast [fast]
- CryptoNight BitTubeV2 [bittubev2]
- CryptoNight StelliteV4 [stellitev4]
- CryptoNight ArtoCash [artocash]
- CryptoNight Alloy [alloy]
- CryptoNight B2N [b2n]
- CryptoNight MarketCash [Market Quote]
- CryptoNight Italo [italo]
- CryptoNight Red [moke]
- Kryptonite Dark [dark]
- Cryptonight Fest [festival]
- Cryptonight FreeHaven [freehaven]

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