I want to introduce the audience to Spectrecoin XSPEC TOR + OBFS4
his project has not so much history but it is dynamically developing and you can get comprehensive information here - http://coinwiki.info/en/SpectreCoin(there is also a comparison with other projects, including zcash, monero, ...)
Stock exchanges for trading:
Official website: https://spectreproject.io/
GitHub https://github.com/Spectreecoin/Spectre/blob/master/Spectre.zip
Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/spectrecoin/
Announcement thread:https://bnghhjj.info
Slack invite: https://slack.spectreproject.io/(we have cookies!)
Block explorer # 1: https://chainz.cryptoid.info/xspec/
Block explorer # 2: http://explorer.spectre.cash/
Promotion Twitter account: https://twitter.com/XspecRising
As they write here (http://webofdark.com/2017/02/20/plug...orts-for-tor/)
The general view is that obfs4 (the latest version of obfsproxy) is the most effective at the moment.
Download link from GitHub In short, obfs4 uses a protocol that masks its traffic to make it look like random data, while Tor traffic has a clearer structure. See the documentation for details.
Obfs4, on the other hand, is based on Philip Winter's ScrambleSuit, a transport protocol that makes it difficult for DPI to identify and block traffic. ScrambleSuit provides protection from attacks by the sounding used by the Great Chinese firewall.
Obfs4 is also known as "obfourscator".
Obfs4 includes ideas from ScrambleSuit, despite its name which is similar to the older protocols obsf2 and obfs3.