Hi, I have free electric as part of my tenancy agreement, I was wondering should I buy an Antminer S5 ASIC miner 1155GH/s, I seen one on ebay for £125 GBP + 25 postage so all in £150 GBP or about $215 USD
I was wondering roughly how many coins would it on its own mine per week if i were to get it and have it up and running in about a week, Most calculators are asking to input electric costs etc but as i have it free any coins mined are purely profit so I am just wondering would it get anything on its own or are we talking pennies now thanks to all these big mining farms?
I was wondering roughly how many coins would it on its own mine per week if i were to get it and have it up and running in about a week, Most calculators are asking to input electric costs etc but as i have it free any coins mined are purely profit so I am just wondering would it get anything on its own or are we talking pennies now thanks to all these big mining farms?