Ravencoin - Most profitable coin, two weeks running


New Member
Feb 22, 2018
Hi All,

Not sure if you have heard of Ravencoin as of yet. The past 2 weeks it has been the most profitable coin to mine with GPU. It is asic resistant using the X16R algo. If you are interested in mining it please read the official How To Mine Ravencoin guide.

Currently all trading is done in the official Discord channel but I am working on a simple Ravencoin Exchange which is similar to Shapeshift but for 2 parties using LTC|RVN pair.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!
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New Member
Feb 26, 2018
Hi, i like your post. how do you know its most profitable tho? is there some marked exchange that I can see this in?


New Member
Feb 22, 2018
Currently no exchange, kawwwoin.ca is about a week away.

To see current prices you can join the official Ravencoin Discord and check the prices, currently 400-500 SAT. Then put that against how many you can currently mine a day. Difficulty is climbing quick though as the Nethash has grown massively. So I am not sure just how long it will stay most profitable.