Rate Date - Global p2p dating social network


New Member
Mar 2, 2018

White Paper Eng

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Rate Date includes a wide range of opportunities:

♥ creation the video date auction
♥ unlimited communication with any users by the private chat
♥ a wide selection of various games, for any user's request
♥ opportunity to take part in the online video date auction as a Rater and a Dater
♥ simplify the video date by using the unique plugin "datenet", which will offer options topics to the participants of the meeting.

Dater – a registered user of Rate Date website, who places his or her profile on the online video date auction.
Rater – a registered user of Rate Date website, who participates in a tender on the online video date auction.

The primary goal of Rate Date Company is to simplifying the acquaintance and communication of people in online and combining as many lonely hearts as possible in the high tech age.

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