PhoenixMiner 4.9c: fastest Ethereum/Ethash miner with lowest devfee (Win/Linux)


New Member
Feb 14, 2020
Changes in version 4.9c (since 4.8c):
  • Added support for AMD RX5500 cards
  • Added support for the latest AMD Windows drivers 19.12.3
  • Adding support for AMD Linux drivers 19.50-967956
  • Adding option -rate 2 to use the command name "eth_submitHashRate" instead of "eth_submitHashrate" when solo mining
  • Fixed the problem with loading NVML with the latest Nvidia drivers
  • Fixed a problem that was introduced in 4.8c causing mismatching of the cards when using more than one value in -cclock or any other command-line argument with more than one value (i.e. when using different values for each card)
  • Added an HTML version of the documentation for better navigation and readability
  • Other small improvements and fixes.
PhoenixMiner is fast (arguably the fastest) Ethash (ETH, ETC, Muiscoin, EXP, UBQ, etc.) miner that supports
both AMD and Nvidia cards (including in mixed mining rigs). It runs under Windows x64 and Linux x64
and has a developer fee of 0.65% (the lowest in the industry). This means that every 90
minutes the miner will mine for us, its developers, for 35 seconds.

PhoenixMiner also supports Ubqhash for mining UBQ, ProgPOW for mining BCI, and dual mining
Ethash/Ubqhash with Blake2s.

The speed is generally faster than Claymore's Ethereum miner in eth only mode
(we have measured about 0.4-1.3% speed improvement but your results may be slightly lower or
higher depending on the GPUs). To achieve highest possible speed on AMD cards it may be needed
to manually adjust the GPU tune factor (a number from 8 to about 400, which can be changed
interactively with the + and - keys while the miner is running).

If you have used Claymore's Dual Ethereum miner, you can switch to PhoenixMiner with
minimal hassle as we support most of Claymore's command-line options and confirguration

Easy Plug&Play OS Linux with our miner:

Please note that PhoenixMiner is extensively tested on many mining rigs but there still may be some bugs.
Additionally, we are actively working on bringing many new features in the future releases.
If you encounter any problems or have feature requests, please post them here (in this thread).
We will do our best to answer in timely fashion.


1. Quick start

You can download PhoenixMiner 4.9c from here:!yrQVWK4D!b59qYumwP2jIN1BD-qqcNw (MEGA)

2. Features, requirements, and limitations

* Supports AMD RX5700, Radeon VII, Vega, 580/570/480/470, 460/560, Fury, 390/290 and older AMD GPUs with enough VRAM
* Supports Nvidia 20x0, 16x0, 10x0 and 9x0 series as well as older cards with enough VRAM
* Highly optimized OpenCL and CUDA cores for maximum ethash mining speed
* Optional "green" kernels for RX580/570/560/480/470/460 to lower the power consumption by 2-3% with small, or no drop in hashrate
* Lowest developer fee of 0.65% (35 seconds defvee mining per each 90 minutes)
* Dual mining ethash/Blake2s with lowest devfee of 0.9% (35 seconds defvee mining per each 65 minutes)
* Advanced statistics: actual difficulty of each share, effective hashrate at the pool, and optional showing of estimated income in USD
* DAG file generation in the GPU for faster start-up and DAG epoch switches
* Supports all ethash mining pools and stratum protocols
* Supports secure pool connections (e.g. ssl:// to prevent IP hijacking attacks
* Detailed statistics, including the individual cards hashrate, shares, temperature, fan speed, clocks, voltages, etc.
* Unlimited number of fail-over pools in epools.txt configuration file (or two on the command line)
* Automatic GPU tuning for the AMD GPUs to achieve maximum performance with your rig
* Supports devfee on alternative ethash currencies like ETC, EXP, Music, UBQ, Pirl, Ellaism, Metaverse ETP, PGC, Akroma, WhaleCoin, Victorium, Nekonium, Mix, EtherGem, Aura, HBC, Genom, EtherZero, Callisto, DubaiCoin, MOAC, Ether-1, and EtherCC. This allows you to use older cards with small VRAM or low hashate on current DAG epochs (e.g. GTX970).
* Full compatibility with the industry standard Claymore's Dual Ethereum miner, including most of command-line options, configuration files, and remote monitoring and management.
* Supports the new Ubqhash algorithm for the UBQ coin. Please note that you must add -coin ubq to your command line (or COIN: ubq to your epools.txt file) in order to mine UBQ
* Supports the ProgPOW algorithm for the Bitcoin Interest (BCI) coin mining. Please note that you must add -coin bci to your command line (or COIN: bci to your epools.txt file) in order to mine BCI
* Supports the ProgPOW algorithm for mining BCI.
* More features coming soon!

3. Command-line arguments

Note that PhoenixMiner supports most of the command-line options of Claymore's dual Ethereum miner
so you can use the same command line options as the ones you would have used with Claymore's miner.

4. Configuration files

Note that PhoenixMiner supports the same configuration files as Claymore's dual Ethereum miner
so you can use your existing configuration files without any changes.

Instead of using command-line options, you can also control PhoenixMiner with configuration
files. If you run PhoenixMiner.exe without any options, it will search for the file config.txt
in the current directory and will read its command-line options from it. If you want, you can
use file with another name by specifying its name as the only command-line option
when running PhoenixMiner.exe.

You will find an example config.txt file in the PhoenixMiner's directory.

Instead of specifying the pool(s) directly on the command line, you can use another configuration
file for this, named epools.txt. There you can specify one pool per line (you will find an example
epools.txt file in the PhoenixMiner's directory).

For the dual mining pools, you can use the dpools.txt file, which has the same format as epools.txt
but for the secondary coin. You will find an example epools.txt file in the PhoenixMiner's directory.
Note that unlike the epools.txt, which is loaded each time when the miner starts, the dpools.txt file
is only read if you specify a dual mining pool on the command line with -dpool, or at least add
the -dcoin blake2s command-line option.

The advantages of using config.txt and epools.txt/dpools.txt files are:
- If you have multiple rigs, you can copy and paste all settings with these files
- If you control your rigs via remote control, you can change pools and even the miner options by
uploading new epools.txt files to the miner, or by uploading new config.txt file and restarting
the miner.

5. Remote monitoring and management

Phoenix miner is fully compatible with Claymore's dual miner protocol for remote monitoring and
management. This means that you can use any tools that are build to support Claymore's dual miner,
including the "Remote manager" application that is part of Claymore's dual miner package.

We are working on much more powerful and secure remote monitoring and control functionality and
control center application, which will allow better control over your remote or local rigs and some
unique features to increase your mining profits.

6. Hardware control options

Here are some important notes about the hardware control options:
  • Hardware control options are supported for both AMD and Nvidia cards under Windows. Under Linux most options are supported only for AMD cards.
  • If you specify a single value (e.g. -cvddc 1150), it will be used on all cards. Specify different values for each card like this (separate with comma): -cvddc 1100,1100,1150,1120,1090 If the specified values are less than the number of GPUs, the rest of GPUs will use the default values.
  • We have tested only on relatively recent AMD GPUs (RX460/470/480/560/570/580, Vega, Radeon VII, RX5700). Your results may vary with older GPUs.
  • The blockchain beta drivers from AMD show quite unstable results - often the voltages don't stick at all or revert back to the default after some time. For best results use the newer drivers from AMD: 18.5.1 or later, where most of the bugs are fixed.
  • -tmax specifies the temperature at which the GPU should start to throttle (because the fans can't keep up).
  • If you use other programs for hardware control, conflicts are possible and quite likely. Use something like GPU-Z to monitor the voltages, etc. MSI Afterburner also seems to behave OK (so you can use it to control the Nvidia cards while AMD cards are controller by PhoenixMiner).
  • This should be obvious but still: if given clocks/voltages are causing crashes/freezes/incorrect shares when set with third-party program, they will be just as much unstable when set via PhoenixMiner hardware control options.
  • If you have problems with hardware control options of PhoenixMiner and you were using something else to control clocks, fans, and voltages (MSI Aftrerburner, OverdriveNTool, etc.), which you were happy with, it is probably best to keep using it and ignore the hardware control options of PhoenixMiner (or use only some of them and continue tweaking the rest with your third-party tools).