Patientory - Electronic medical record storage network

Patientory: The Blockchain Based Electronic Medical Record Storage Network

Patientory is proud to introduce PTOY, the token that will power the Patientory network!

PTOY will be available through a crowdsale open to the community.

Opens: May, 31 2017 09:00 AM PST
Closes: June, 28 2017 11:59 PM PST

Patientory is the leading provider of blockchain solutions for healthcare. Cyber security and the secure transfer of patient information from one provider to another is a major threat. Patientory’s mission is to drive population health management by securely assisting healthcare organizations to store and transmit data via blockchain cybersecurity and smart contracts. This enables the adoption of physician coordinated care and peer to peer patient engagement for improved health outcomes.

Patientory is a Delaware C-Corporation headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia with offices provided by TechSquare Labs in Atlanta, Georgia and Founders Base in San Francisco, California. The company’s genesis is tied to the 2016 inaugural class of the Boomtown Health-Tech Accelerator in Boulder, Colorado. This led to a collaborative exchange with the Denver-based Colorado Permanente Medical Group, part of the Kaiser Permanente consortium, based in Oakland, California.

Through use of the company’s mobile app, Patientory users create an individual profile. Their medical information is then stored on a secure, HIPAA-compliant blockchain platform, allowing them to connect with care providers as well as other patients who have similar health issues or concerns. This allows patients greater control over their overall health across multiple care teams, both inside and outside of the hospital.

From electronic health information confidentiality to security threats identification to disclosure protection, Patientory’s employment of blockchain technology helps the healthcare ecosystem mitigate damaging data breaches. Unlike electronic health records, which are vulnerable to hacks, blockchain technology is able to utilize a more secure, permanent record of online information exchange.

The team believes in a future of decentralized healthcare infrastructure and market network, where Big Data, HPC, IoT, and AI applications, highly valued data-sets, and computing resources (storage, CPU, GPU etc.) will be monetized on the Blockchain with the highest level of transparency, resiliency, and security. Patientory will be the key platform powering this future of healthcare.

Partnered with:

The company’s genesis is tied to the 2016 inaugural class of the Boomtown Health-Tech Accelerator in Boulder, Colorado in collaboration with the Denver-based Colorado Permanente Medical Group, part of the 65 billion dollar revenue generating Kaiser Permanente consortium, based in Oakland, California. They’re also part of the Startup Health portfolio, a global organization leading the movement to transform health.

Developers, crypto enthusiasts, come and discuss the project with us:

Join our Slack / Telegram

The crowdsale will start on May, 31 2017 09:00 AM PST. It will end on June, 28 2017 11:59 PM PST.

  • Price of PTOY without bonus: 385 PTOY/ETH
  • Bonus: 20% bonus the first 10 days/10% bonus the next 10 days/0% after that
  • Minimum objective: 5.000ETH
  • Max PTOY total supply: 100.000.000 PTOY
  • Max PTOY sold by crowdsale: 70.000.000 PTOY
  • Min PTOY sold by crowdsale: 2.295.000 PTOY
  • Website: Here
All unsold tokens will be burned.
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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Patientory building and how?
Patientory is a blockchain-based distributed electronic medical record storage computing platform. Healthcare entities can secure private health information, rent computing power, servers and data centers and make their unused resources available through a unique private infrastructure on the Ethereum blockchain. From the platform smart contracts can be executed in relation to the patient care continuum cycle.

Who uses Patientory and why?
There is a growing demand for healthcare cybersecurity solutions and computing power from the health and scientific community to run large applications and process huge volumes of data. Large volumes of patient health information can be supported which can further be utilized by Artificial Intelligence for accurate patient treatment.

  • Healthcare Dapps (blockchain-based applications) that need private off-chain computation.
  • High Performance Computing, Big Data, machine learning for care treatment (shorter time-to-diagnosis, reduced administrative costs).
  • Future healthcare distributed applications that will require new form of decentralized infrastructure see Edge/Fog computing, ambient AI, IoT + Big Data, distributed deep learning, parallel stream processing etc...
What is the legal structure of Patientory?
Patientory is a company incorporated in Delaware, United States under the name PATIENTORY, INC. (Company Number, 5921117).

Where is Patientory at the moment?
Headquarters are located in the city of Atlanta, Georgia. Patientory works with advisors located at the prestigious Georgia Institute of Technology.

What about the team experience?
The management team has over 40 years combined experience building and growing healthcare technology companies. They’ve received international published healthcare research and developed platforms for VC backed digital health companies as well a Fintech blockchain company. The team received both national and global market validation and was recently named a
Top 11 company Disrupting Healthcare in 2017.

They also have a broad based advisory board that spans both healthcare and business expertise, with successfully exits to companies such as Blackberry.

Since September the team has grown to include blockchain developers, PR and marketing specialists, and business developers.

Why is your technology valuable?
For the last 2 years, we completed extensive validation and proof of concept testing. With over 2,000-customer validation interviews with the aid of Kaiser Permanente and Startup Health, this gives us the ability to continue to learn, build and scale our product on a global level, we’re on track to provide superb value to our users.

What is the role of PTOY tokens?
PTOY is the native token of the Patientory platform. In exchange of PTOY tokens, users will be able to use the network to rent information storage space, and to execute smart payment contracts.

Why a crowdfund and not traditional funding?
We must distribute the PTOY tokens to create a ‘market network’. We want it to be a project for the public so it is important that distribute our tokens as widely as possible in the interests of you, the public and benefactors.

What currencies do you accept?
The crowdsale platform is designed to accept ETH.

What if I don't have ETH?
You need ETH to take part in the crowdsale. If you have other cryptocurrencies you can use
Shapeshift to change them to ETH.

To change FIAT currency into ETH there are a number of exchange platforms you can use to get ETH such as Kraken, Bitfinex and Coinable but please ensure that you send your ETH to a secure wallet like MyEtherWallet before taking part in the crowdsale. Do not send tokens from an exchange as you may risk losing your tokens.

Can I join the crowdsale without an Ethereum address?
No, because you need it to receive your tokens. If you don’t have one, you can create one using
MyEtherWallet or any other secured wallet. It is important to make sure your account is properly backed up. Also, note do not send tokens from an exchange as you may risk losing your tokens.

What will you do with the money?
It will cover the costs of developing and launching the Patientory platform. See our roadmap (coming soon).

What kind of escrow service do you use?
We use multisig wallets. We will publish our Ethereum smart contract code before the crowdsale.


Articles and Press Releases:


  • Forbes: here
  • Hypepotamus: here
  • Beckers Hospital Review: here
  • Bitcoin Magazine: here
  • Techsling: here
  • Colarado Biz Magazine: here
  • PR Newswire: here
  • SuperbCrew: here
  • CyberMed News: here



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New Member
May 9, 2017
I still can not understand what you have been developing for the past two years. You have a team of 8 people and if I add the advisory board, it's 16 people.

So what have you been doing besides having a whitepaper and attending the accelerators?
Also, in your white paper, you are mainly stating arguments why an electronic health record (EHR) would be beneficial. This is, of course, important, but I still can not find out why you are better than other EHR available today.

Sorry for beeing critical, but to invest in you I need those facts :)

Best Regards,
Philip (editor of the following initial coin offering list)
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Hi Phillip,

Don't worry about being critical. We like questions like this! Keep 'em coming.
  • First, we are not an EMR. We are a bridge that connects EMR for better care management.

  • Second, we love the question "what have you been doing for two years?" It gives us a chance to demonstrate just how fast we've been moving.

    The simple answer is that we've been building the business and acquiring customers. Soon after incorporation, for instance, we were accepted as the first healthcare transformer in Colorado's first health accelerator in partnership with Kaiser Permanente. Soon after that, we completed 1000+ customer validation interviews and netted 500+ subscribers. As of now, we've increased our total customers four consecutive quarters in a row.

    We've been incorporated since December 28, 2015 and started the project with Kaiser Permanente in January 2016. Developing our APIs and our platform's front-end care coordination alone took one year to receive verification from the US government.

    Bottom line: Patientory has been at this for 16 months. For context, consider that it normally takes 5 years for a new digital health company to gain traction. That's because healthcare in the US is one of the most strictly regulated entities on the planet, especially when you factor in HIPAA and accessing data across platforms.

    For more context, please check out this post from
Thanks again for asking, Philip. We appreciate it!

At your service,
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Beyond Blockchain: Improving the Well-Being of Patients Around the World

How will 2017 be remembered?

It was a year of monumental change across a variety of social and political spectrums. As for business and technology, it will no doubt go down in history as the year of the ICO.

Hundreds of companies conducted ICOs/token sales, and millions of dollars were raised for technologies that promised a realization of what blockchain can do to radically change the way we connect and communicate in a digital world. What 2018 will reveal is what companies and technologies have the goods to meet those promises. That requires a focus beyond the blockchain, to the vertical industry applications that will deliver on those promises.

Patientory is in the business of improving people’s lives and the well-being of patients around the world. That is one of the reasons why the Patientory community is so engaged and passionate. It understands what is possible and that now is the time to transform healthcare for the individual.

It was an exciting year for the Patientory community, one in which we closed our ICO together, advanced the technology to change healthcare, and beefed up our dedicated staff dramatically. Our community saw a 25%-50% percentage growth, if not more.

The year was not without its stumbles, though. We’re a young company and a rapidly growing community. With that comes challenges. We did our best to address them openly and transparently and hosted our Q4 AMA just this quarter. In fact, please watch for updates on quarterly AMAs in 2018. In the meantime, you can always see the latest roadmap here: and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Bitcointalk. Of course, you can also sign up for our newsletter here:

We’re confident about the future. We’ve witnessed a number of $PTOY price spike rallies that demonstrates the ongoing Patientory community support. While hundreds of companies are vying for this space, Patientory was among the first to start building. We have the technology and a business model for distribution and thanks to the community; we have the currency to enable a worldwide network of healthcare data exchange. We can securely store medical data and transmit in a way that is safe. With health care as the most-costly line item in the federal budget, we have an opportunity to affect change that is felt at all levels of our society.

We invite you to join us and be a part of this moment.

What's Next? Q/A, events, and 2018 Q1!

Hello, $PTOY Community -

Some of the information may be repetitive, but I'd like to include a comprehensive overview of recent questions below:

What's the status of the product and are there any updates?
If you're a part of the Slack community, please feel free to post your questions on the #question_answer channel. As we move forward in the development phase, I'll post updates (if they're available) before the next AMA. If not, I'll be sure to gather all of the questions in preparation for the 2018 Q1 AMA!

We'd like to host our 2018 Q1 AMA live from the HIMSS conference in March; however, the day/time is not confirmed. If for some reason it's not logistically possible, the team and I will schedule the event after HIMSS. I'll provide more details closer to that time.

Please also note that the product team is working on a product, and I will continue to update the community as the team meets the various milestones on the roadmap. I'll provide a link to the demo sign-up as soon as the page is up and running on the website.

I was able to view the blockchain code and the code for the components of Patientory Core Part 1!

What $PTOY products are you demonstrating at the various conferences or are these speaking opportunities for Chrissa?
Chrissa is scheduled to speak at the Startup Health event in January. Patientory will participate/exhibit at three out of four national/international health-related events. I will also give you an update on what products we're demoing as we get closer to the various conference dates.

Who is the Product, Team? Can the community correspond with the Developers?
Our Product Manager, Randy, along with UX/UI and Software Engineering makeup Patientory's Product Team, whose current primary focus is shipping Patientory's suite of products and addressing the daily challenges of building them.

As much as the Product Team would love to chat with the community, this isn't the best use of their time. Time spent answering questions in Slack pulls the team away from their day-to-day tasks which include coding, refactoring code, and writing documentation for the code. To ensure that the Product Team is not bombarded with notifications, please direct all communications to the #question_answer channel on Slack instead of reaching out directly to the Product Team.

Note: All official answers will always come through @Quiana_patientory or future Communications Associates.

When or where does the Product Team meet?
The Product Team holds a recurring Monday meeting with the rest of the Patientory Team to discuss weekly Product Updates.

Additionally, they have daily Stand-Up's where they discuss the previous day's accomplishments, what they're working on the day of the standup, and any blockers they're having.

Moreover, the team and I believe it's essential to promote a positive work environment for our on and offsite team. We value the team's dedication, hard work, and ability to shift/pivot with the various requests to meet the product deadlines. We encourage the community to rally around our Product Team in support of their efforts to deliver an exceptional product!

Thank you,

Quiana Lloyd
Director of Marketing & Communications

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