Only for traders: (offtopic) An interesting course:


New Member
Dec 5, 2018
For trading there is nothing better than training, maintaining a healthy psychological state and focused enough to focus our decisions on what really suits us and makes us obtain adequate profits for our investments. Over the years we have known of different renowned traders who have earned a place in the world of investment as the best, from different parts of the world, standing out as investors, entrepreneurs, millionaires, programmers, people who somehow they have gained a position within the social environment of the stock market.

Achieving consistency in trading requires constant learning and following a trading plan that indicates a path through which to travel in this jungle that we call markets. To arrive at the stock market without having a certain plan can lead us to ruin and lose all faith in our attitudes as a trader. In addition to that, it is also necessary to possess all the necessary knowledge to be able to invest and do it successfully. Decision making is one of the most important factors in trading. Many traders have developed over the years in this way, doing what they like, training their minds and learning from triumphs and failures. But few people take the opportunity to give us their knowledge.

An example of this is Fernando Martínez Gómez-Tejedor, a successful trader from Spain who has made himself known in much of Europe due to his achievements in the mysteries and enigmas of the stock market. He is known as the youngest trader in history since he began his career before he was 10 years old. On the other hand, he is also known for being named as "the master of trading", a name that has been given him by each of his students since he began to offer courses in trading strategies through social networks, either in YouTube, Facebook and even other media. One of its most recognized current courses is offered through Facebook, the PDF of the first three levels can be found on the web. It is a quantitative strategies course that will facilitate the choices in trading. The course is taught in Spanish, however the guide contains different examples that will undoubtedly help to understand the techniques and systems. On facebook you can get the course as: "Curso gratis interactivo de estrategias cuantitativas", and it is a course that many have announced that it is a potential jewel.

Here we can find the links to download the first 3 levels of the quantitative strategies course of Fernando Martínez Gómez Tejedor:!JJFkxKhZ!Vtc8DcL8b0hkpIizKYVwGrdLATEPkx_fLM8k1nSHDls