Newbie with problems


New Member
Aug 18, 2016
Hello all. Sorry ahead of time for such beginners questions. I have had so much trouble these last few weeks trying to figure bitcoin out. I do have bitcoin classic wallet. And after over 10 days of synchronizing my incoming bitcoin finally showed up. After this I tried to get it to my actual bank account. .when I went to send the funds to a place I can sell for paypal , after confirming for awhile my comouter had to restart for some reason and now for weeks my transaction is just at 0 confirmed and doing nothing. My balance is 0 and my money is floating around who knows where. Why won't the transaction restart. And why can't I just cancel it. What can I possibly do. I am out this money and have no idea what I can do help my self out. Any help.would be so appreciated .. if would like to just send a message there. On here is great too. Someone please hold my hand and tell me.straight how it is please


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016

your BTC are fine... there still in your wallet actually, until they get confirmed they are still technically in your possession. its just that the wallet software will not allow you to try a "double spend".

i bet your TX is never confirming because the miners fee is too low.

if you had the skills of a ninja you could send the TX again but with a higher miner's fee, this one would confirm and the network would consider the old TX that never confirmed because the fee was to low as a double spend attempt...

but you dont have the skills of a ninja so what do you do????

first post the address you sent them too, with that we can see the miner fee you put, then we can tell you if they will EVENTUALLY confrim.

your best bet might be to simply wait longer....

Rant follows:
this miner fee problem was never meant to happen, there are 2 schools of though on how to solve it. and its a hell of a battle to see which one will "win"

I have always argued that the worst thing about not simply increasing the blocksize limit is that high fees leads to bad user experience for newbie ( like you just had ) , alsa my concerns were shrugged off as devs in their ivory tower set out on a quest to fix the problem " gracefully " with 32,000 lines of new code.
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New Member
Aug 18, 2016
I really appreciate your reply. I have posted and done tons of research trying to figure this out. I figured it was because of my low fee, but whst I didn't get was after my computer restarted the transactions all stayed at 0 and have been for a couple weeks. I'm currently at work, but when I get home.this evening I will post the addresses. Thanks a lot for.your.reply
[doublepost=1471712783][/doublepost]Also. I checked with the one place I was trying to send money and was told the transaction timed out. I will post the addresses soon. I really just want my bitcoins transfered to cash and pry never use this process again, I thought I was decently intelligent, but after weeks of reading and researching I'm still loss. Your reply has made as much if not more sense then anything else. Thanks again.will be in contact soon


New Member
Aug 18, 2016

those are the 3 addreses I tried to send money to. they have had to of been timed out . I'm sure there is no way they are going to be confirmed.. i would love to just get the funds back in my wallet and this time pay a much bigger fee. any information is much appreciated.. thank you for taking the time to get back to me once already.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
all three of these addresses appear to have btc sent to them and the TX confirmed.


New Member
Aug 18, 2016
I don't get it then. These addresses probably get alot of transactions. I was told my transactions timed out. And in my wallet under transactions they both say uncofirmed and 0


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016

it is possible that your unconfirmed TX was dropped by the minners. but this seems unlikely...

see for yourself,

i see that these 3 TX happened on 2016-08-16 and then confirmed and was then redeemed by the person you sent it to.

all 3 TX were ~30$ value, check let me know if these are the amounts you sent.

who did you sent to?


New Member
Aug 18, 2016

those are the 3 addreses I tried to send money to. they have had to of been timed out . I'm sure there is no way they are going to be confirmed.. i would love to just get the funds back in my wallet and this time pay a much bigger fee. any information is much appreciated.. thank you for taking the time to get back to me once already.
[doublepost=1471747232][/doublepost]Well since you are the only one trying to help, I believe, thankfully this was a very small amount of money. But I was trying to send 2 of these to the site . I see they are now being sold, the company. All seems shady to me. I knew it was risky as they tell you not to mention the name bovada. But seemed my only way of having a chance to get any money back. It seems to me the miners gave up on my transactions after the wallet was restarted. Because of a computer problem. It sounds like I have been taken but please give me your honest opinion as I would like to contact bovada personally although that may not be smart considering they have all my info


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
And in my wallet under transactions they both say uncofirmed and 0
this seems odd...

your wallet should show that they eventually confirmed.

i clearly see that they did confirm, is your bitcoinCore wallet fully synced?

if your wallet is fully synced...
i think your TX might have been dropped out of the mem pool
i believe if your TX does not confirm within ~72 hours miners simply forgot about it forever
i guess the your wallet ~believes~ its a unconfirmed TX waiting in the miners mem pool.
I would sugest you "import" your core wallet.dat into
this should, give you access to those "unconfirmed" funds once again.
drop your wallet.dat into this link

wallet.dat should be found here.
replace the "User" with your username.

Good luck
Last edited:


New Member
Aug 18, 2016
Hey thanks for another response. I am using the program bitcoin classic. I don't believe I even ever had to make a username, which certainly seemed odd at the time. I don't know if bitcoincore is same as program I choose. I have been told by a other person that bitcoin classic is not a very good wallet for a newbie. I seem to have just jumped in to this head first.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I wouldn't recommended a full wallet for new users I'd recommend mycelium wallet for Android or bread wallet for iphone. Downloading the entire blockchain to make 3 transactions is a huge burden on the network.


New Member
Aug 18, 2016
Since I already started a bitcoinclassic wallet can I transfer my.funds. if I ever get them back. To thst wallet


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yip so long as it's Bitcoin you're transferring. You have to give someone an address to send too so you may as well just get them to send to your mobile wallet address.

Ps make a back up as soon as you install.

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