

New Member
Mar 6, 2018
Helo dear all, we will launch PRE-ICO and ICO project. we have real project in CryptoSocial Network. People can connect other to buiding relation in the world, find beginer in crypto, investor or developer. we create token with ERC20. After creating coin, create website, and create sistem we develop website, sistem and tester... Now in develop mode... maybe will upoad this mound..... you can join with US to get free token.... we only share free token for 200 people first. we wil send $ for 200 people first and you can buy token with your Bonus (as deposit we will send before PRE-ICO, ) after PRE-ICO we wil campaign.. we only sell 3.000.000 token for PRE-ICO to building link and database, after funding we will campaign for ICO. you also can receive bonus for your refereal..... we ready with program to run and more program in develop now.....