for the `consensus-voting signaling thing`, I meant the current informal proposal on using the coinbase for signaling and voting future size increases. Both AD and EC makes use of rpc calls to asks and inform other nodes their preferences. It's not RPC per se, but to use it as a means to reach consensus. The problems with an rpc based consensus are that it's not faithful, because any participant may have the incentive to lie, it's not safe, because it may open the door to new man in the middle attacks, and it's difficult and slow to coordinate, because it's all up to how many peers nodes will contact and how much they will be willing to follow each others. While AD would mitigate this latter point, many don't like it.
On-chain voting has the main benefit that it defines clearly the times, place and order of the discussion, thanks to the fact that (eventually) the blockchain is like a single thread of a forum where few can actually write, and are selected according to how much they showed to care and how much they will be able to do for the network. This is ensured by the pow.
Join the parity-unlimited channel on bitcoinunlimited.slack.org, it's the more updated source.
To install rust:
apt-get update\
apt-get install -y g++ build-essential curl git file binutils libssl-dev pkg-config libudev-dev\
curl -sSf
https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh | sh\
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin" >> $HOME/.bashrc\
source $HOME/.bashrc\
rustup toolchain install beta\
rustup toolchain install nightly;
To get and build parity-bitcoin-unlimited:
git clone
cd parity-bitcoin-unlimited\
cargo build -p pbtc
To build the release version:
cargo build -p pbtc --release
To test it:
cargo test --all
To regtest it: we are working on it. I've added bitcoinj-unlimited to help in the process. We will be using a java script by TheBlueMatt that generates a blockchain used for regtesting. You can find bitcoinj-unlimited at
https://github.com/bitcoinj-unlimited, while I've not pushed yet the fork to his script, which is located at