Monitor BTC Addresses for New TXs - Bitcoin Webhook Notification Service (API)

Blockchain WebHooks

New Member
Aug 22, 2018
We recently launched our Bitcoin WebHooks API service to the public:

Blockchain WebHooks is a simple, reliable, and affordable API service for anyone looking to watch Bitcoin wallet addresses for new transactions, POSTing transaction data to the URL you provide. We currently support BTC livenet and testnet. More info on the site and in our documentation.

Our goal is to help get bitcoin projects up and running as quickly as possible

We look forward to getting comments from the community as we continue building our API, adding additional features, and more coins!

Thank you,
Blockchain WebHooks
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Blockchain WebHooks

New Member
Aug 22, 2018
We've implemented a new feature!

Trigger your WebHooks after a specified number of confirmations. You can now set the post_on_confirmation attribute which is the number of transaction confirmations until we POST the transaction data to your callback URL. Enter 1-100, default is 1.

Check out our API docs for more info (Create WebHook Endpoint):