[MNB] MoneyBagCoin X11+POS+MasterNodes


New Member
Jan 12, 2018
ATTENTION: I'm not the Dev of this coin, if you want support you can contact him on BTCtalk

Algo: X11
Symbol: MNB
Block time: 60 seconds
Last POW block: 250000
Recalculated difficulty: Every block
Anti Instamine 100 blocks
Max coin available: 50 Millions
Transaction confirmation: 10 blocks
Mining maturation time: 20 blocks
P2P Port: 43210
RPC Port: 43211
Testnet P2P Port: 43212
Testnet RPC Port: 43213
Masternodes Creation: 30000 MNB
Masternode reward: 75% From POS
Min Stake: 48h
Premine 3% 1.5M
Min TX Fee: 0.0001 MNB
- From block 1 to 20000 : 10 MNB
- From block 20001 to 40000 : 20 MNB
- From block 40001 to 80000 : 40 MNB
- From block 80001 to 110000 : 60 MNB
- From block 110001 to 155000 : 80 MNB
- From block 155001 to 250000 : 40 MNB
- From block 250001 to end : 20 MNB
- From block 1 to 20000 : 7.5 MNB
- From block 20001 to 40000 : 15 MNB
- From block 40001 to 80000 : 30 MNB
- From block 80001 to 110000 : 45 MNB
- From block 110001 to 155000 : 60 MNB
- From block 155001 to 250000 : 30 MNB
- From block 250001 to end : 15 MNB
- From block 1 to 100 : 0 MNB (AntiInstamine)
- From block 100 to 100000 : 50 MNB
- From block 100.001 to 250000 : 25 MNB

Pool 1: 10000 MNB
http://mineblocks.co.uk txid-->b46221597fff599771493075b3884abc9594325d93f47e50b6322dc95f2e33b0
Pool 2: 10000 MNB
https://pool.nosekefik.com txid --> b43033182275a5a95ae13ab0f8b2b21eb401c4fde33e0f8bb29b731133066e5b
Pool 3: 10000 MNB
http://yiimp.poolofd32th.club txid --> 33af6920eef1665ea562e3373a5dee4c4bb4446d35f88329d3b65dbde18c53ba
Pool 4: 5000 MNB
https://pool.coin-miners.info txid --> b8e8358141d1f038eca5786284b581c01d9f4c97927a65bbaedda170690a6267
Pool 5: 5000 MNB
https://speedmining.net txid --> 83690484ef8bf43944df56feb506728fcf4f365361f871056b893053a0d9549c
Pool 6: 5000 MNB
http://miningpool.shop txid --> bbc4ab588367354a81460e06b497b60c0f46b6744ff7b7ef3be4e5ceeb07c218
Explorer 1 5000MNB
https://mnb.nosekefik.com/ --> 2c5a0260226bd9656521978060aaddc26f1fcfa182ac6a9b2db7ab7a5c69f269
Explorer 2 2500MNB
http://mnb.unyun.cn/ txid --> e3197f17fa70118fa4d2b8d1cb323bb7c1c8d559222d82e1afd97b1f108b555e
Explorer 3 2500MNB
http://moneybagcoin.lchain.cc/ txid -->9b7098875a697810f5b422846eaf2c2c73dba781c402eb597e8538df4d8cbc77
Mac OSX Wallet: 20000 MNB
Build by @lentyna txid --> 635f708ae8d3acf1400b06d113b758714c8577bfcb4e427d43ad913185ebb289
Rasberry Pi Wallet: 20000 MNB
Build by @AmoreJaz txid --> 77e34ed307d0d1e2135d5f5ce31caee1face58ab0d4bce4ed65b895d81a2e889

Threads on other Forums 500MNB for each
- Bitcoin Garden: https://bitcoingarden.org/forum/index.php?topic=24606 by @nosekefik
txid --> 3af66b77b57b6778d547fd1bd73c32baa7bf128eecb09020a53c1ce891f02350
- Forum.bitcoin.com: https://forum.bitcoin.com/alternative-cryptocurrencies-altcoins/moneybagcoin-x11-pos-masternodes-t62720.html by @nosekefik
txid --> fd549e2796f5177578806e2ea01ba73fbebca2e0128c92757a2db0d7a9a4d2cb
- CryptoCurrencyTalk https://cryptocurrencytalk.com/topic/92546-mnb💰-moneybagcoin-x11posmasternodes-💰/ by @RCB100%
txid --> Pending to get address, please send me.
- ForumBitcoin.co.id https://forumbitcoin.co.id/threads/mnb-moneybagcoin-x11-pos-masternode.45354/ by @Javi_Anibarro
txid --> 37a2db3d60f4f55b32720d0d4d957a52d2436e812f993e2767c24198959ef884

https://chain.moneybagcoin.com/ (Official Explorer)

https://mnb.nosekefik.com/ (by @nosekefik)

http://mnb.unyun.cn/ (by @fengyun88 )

http://moneybagcoin.lchain.cc/ [With Masternode List] (by @lchain )

Official Exchanges

Non Official Exchanges

Discord Group --> https://discord.gg/XYrpF2P

Nosekefik Pool
Stratum : pool.nosekefik.com:3533
Password : c=MNB

Website : https://pool.nosekefik.com/
Telegram : https://t.me/nosekefikpool
Payout : Every 20min minimum 0.5 coins
Fee : 1.0%

You can adjust your diff setting ,d=<DIFF> on -p param


Low fees fast payments

New Pool Moneybagcoin 0.5% Fees

Configure Your Miners

stratum+tcp://stratum.mineblocks.co.uk:3110 -u YOUR WALLET -p x

Ports ( 3110 ) ( 3111 Nicehash ) All ports Vardiff
Twitter : https://twitter.com/MineBlocksPool

Telegram : https://t.me/mineblocksp
Happy Mining


Use your wallet address as your username, and c=MNB as your password.
No registration required.

Don't forget to use MNB as password, or your shares will be lost
Don't forget to change -u once testing is complete to mine to your wallet

Coin Miners
MoneyBagCoin has been added to https://pool.coin-miners.info/

Stratum settings: -o stratum+tcp://stratum-eu.coin-miners.info:3533 -u MoneyBagCoin_WALLET_ADDRESS -p c=MNB

Payouts are made automatically every 1 hours for all balances above 0.01, or 0.001 on Sunday.

Don't use it, the reward is only 40MNB on it!! SCAM?


Based on Yiimp pool (No Registration Needed)
Fee : 0.5% Only

Pool host: speedmining.net
Pool port: 3533
Pool user: Your_Wallet_Address
Pool pass: c=MNB
Algorithm: x11



Based on Yiimp pool (No Registration Needed)
Fee : 0.9% Only
Support Live Chat --> https://t.me/MiningPoolShop



BSOD. Fast. Safe. Security. 0.5% Fees. Payouts every 2 hours after the first confirmed block.

We're using Yiimp, no registration required.

It is worthy to mine with us because:

1. Our dev team - one of the best.
2. Our multilingual support - one of the best.
3. More than 1 500 000 coins already paid.

If you won't come to BSOD - BSOD will come for you Grin

Telegram: http://t.me/bsodpool



-o stratum+tcp://x11.lpool.name:3533 -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p c=MNB

Node list: https://lpool.name/explorer/peers?id=1938