Martcoin - New Lending v2.0- Spinning Program


New Member
Nov 27, 2017
International ICO Global is debating about Martcoin- Global Gambling base technology. Anticipating to sell ICO on this 8st December . There are rumors about this project, so let review about Martcoin:
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Investment for high valuable profit but risky. Using Lending base like Bitconnect, Hextracoin, Regalcoin..
Algorithm: Ethereum standard ERC 20
Symbol: MART
Total coin: 29.000.000
ICO sale Tokens: 5.800.000
Start selling on 16 days: from 8st December 2017 to 24th December 2017
According from Whitepaper, Mart sells in 16 times, 2 time zone is 12:00 am and 12:pm UTC. Price of fist block is 0.5$ but quantity is limited. Slime chance to purchase blocks 0.5$ to 0.7$. Somehow, you could sell instantly to market for more profit if you own this block.
According to the information their supporters provided, they deposit ETH to account first. But they said it only before ICO. So, Mart may be allow to deposit by ETH before 2-3 days to let clients sign in and purchase coin.
Q4 2017
- Start Token sale.
- Launch the internal trading.
- Launch Spinning program.
- Release a mobile wallet.
- Mining with Mobile.
Q1 2018:
- Listed on CoinExchange, Yobit, Coinmarketcap
- Complete global online betting website and mobile apllication.
- Upgrade and add 20 kinds of online betting for the flatform.
- Marketing in over 100 countries
Q2 2018:
- Deploying marketing in all countries around the world.
- The total value of betting transactions will use Martcoin: $ 15 billions USD
- Occupy about 0.5% of market share in the betting market.
Q3-4 2018:
- The total value of betting transactions will use Martcoin: $30 billions USD
- Occupy about 1% market share in betting market.
- Occupy 5% marketshare in the betting market.
- Martcoin Betting deals reached $ 150 billions USD.
Roadmap is trusworthy, aim to bigger target in future for long term. I think they can archive these goals if ICO success, Roadmap could be flexible to adapt to situation depend on Mart’s period.
Mart declare after ICO, they will become their own coin to serve their betting ecosystem. All betting transactions for global clients with variety of sports: soccer, volleyball, badminton, swimming, golf,… other betting. With safety and confidentiality of Blockchain technology, we can believe Mart coin will become the biggest betting site on the world.
SPINNING PROGRAM: I can say this is spinning for rewards.
According to information, this is a type of Lending but they called it Lending 2.0.
- Base on Lending, will hold client’s balance, the more clents invest, the faster time to withdraw and interest rate paid by USD.
- Difference:
. Spinning is limited reward for each spin which is minimum 1% investment. There other bonus are 3% and 67%. Well, I don’t know if I can win this reward but it really interesting though.
. According Whitepaper, you can you reward for whatever you want. So may be if you lucky, u can withdraw earlier than your plan.
. Even the rewards is set by program, but myself, I could tell interest rate of Mart is not passive like other Altcoin.
. Easy to join because the lowest package is 100$. whoever want short-term investments could save a little to join this. May be you get lucky
Mart will give out 8% commission for each person you refer to Mart. An impressive number for commission.
Martcoin aiming to the huge ecosystem, so they need more time to build up. ICO amount is quite low, easy to control by coin issuer ( every issuer want their coin to increase, of course ) so the investment multiply is a normal thing.
Spinning program is interesting, high value profit. With affiliate marketing with levels.
I think this project have a lot of potential. So, good luck to all the investors out there.
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