Make an impact on the cryptocurrency community to win 1 BTC!


New Member
Nov 20, 2017
Hello Bitcoin Forum Community!

We love your passionate community, we love our community of players, and we love the cryptocurrency community as a whole. We have a lot of love to give, but you can't transfer love into your Bitcoin wallet, now can you?

So on top of spreading the love, we're going to start spreading the Bitcoin: starting this month, we're giving away 1 BTC, just for making any sort of positive impact in the world of cryptocurrency.

The possibilities are endless. Off the top of our head, we thought maybe an article, a video, a yoga class for stressed investors, a happy hour for stressed investors who prefer barstool yoga, or just a simple tweet!

The impact doesn't have to be online — it could be underground for all we care — we just want to encourage community involvement and inspire would-be influencers to come out of their shell! (It could put a free Bitcoin in their pocket, after all.)


Share your impact on Twitter with the hashtag #JACKMATE, and let us know by joining the Official FortuneJack Discord Channel, which, yeah, we have now. And it's awesome. And it's even better when there's free Bitcoin being handed out on it every month. (There's a lot of other benefits too, of course. You should check it out!)

The more you impact, the better your chances of winning, and you have a new chance to win every month.

And as a bonus, impacting your community is rewarding on a personal level in and of itself. So even if you don't win, you still win.

Good luck, have fun, and we CAN'T WAIT to see what you come up with!

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