Krypto-Manager Excel dashboard for Bitcoin and top 100 altcoins


New Member
Jul 22, 2018
We are looking forward to introducing our Krypto-Manager in the final Excel Version (basic Version)!
download link:

The final Excel Version, what does that mean?
Version 0.2.4 is the basic framework on which the following Excel versions and modules build.
We have implemented an Export / Import module, which makes it especially easy to update to the following versions without having to manually enter your data again.
Furthermore, we have arrived at a point where we have the promised additional functions such as the:

• Coin-Alarm
• Token-Overview for ETH Wallets
* Arbitrage Calculator
* Chart Analysis
• Tax-Report

so far we have worked out that we would like to provide you with these in the basic Version.

What is the crypto Manager?
The crypto-Manager is an Excel-based monitoring Tool for Cryptocurrencies.
Users can enter their Purchases and sales and get profits and losses of the respective Coins graphically represented.

In addition to this graphical representation of your investments, the crypto-Manager, all the transactions and prepares for the tax report in accordance with the current German guidelines for the taxation of profits from trading with crypto-currencies.
In addition to these already important basic functions, the crypto-Manager offers some helpful additional functions.

The basic Version includes the following additional functions:

* Automatic data update every 60 seconds
* Create investments at the touch of a button
* Graphical presentation of investments in EURO
* Graphical representation of profit and loss account
• Chart
* Chart Analysis
* Email Notification
* Coin Alarm / TOP 5 Coins
* Arbitrage Calculator

Why do I need the crypto Manager?
Like so many, we have managed our Coins for a long time without a Dashboard, an APP or an online service.
But this is too cumbersome because of the many trading venues and the documentation for the tax office had to be presented somehow.
Therefore, the development of the crypto Manager.
The crypto Manager takes these tasks away from you and offers with its additional functions an added value compared to other Apps or Online services.
The only thing the user has to do is to enter his and his sales.
Whether via a CSV Import module or by Hand.
The crypto Manager does the preparation of the data, the profit-loss Calculations and the editing of the data for the tax report in the Background.
Da uns schon einige Emails bezüglich der Funktionalität zugegangen sind, hier mal eine kurze Beschreibung des Dashboards:

The crypto-Manager updates itself and the corresponding data as well as all charts in 60 seconds interval fully automatically.
The data for this, it obtains via the Coinmarketcap API and then maps it to the corresponding cells.

Of course, we are working on other functions as well as setting Options, more details about this in the following days.

I ask you for more questions to use this Thread to keep it a little clearer for everyone.
download link:

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