Is the New Ransomware Demanding Bitcoin More Dangerous Than WannaCry?


Jan 11, 2017
Last months the ransomware software Wanna Cry attacked 200,000 victims in at least 150 countries worldwide and a huge fuss was made of the capability of hackers to use Bitcoin in illegal actions. Now, a new ransomware comes on stage.

A new virus-encryptor began its attacks on Tuesday in Ukraine. The virus blocks computers and demands a ransom of $300 in Bitcoins like WannaCry did. According to reports, by Wednesday the Bitcoin wallet, which was given by ransomware for the transfer of funds, had received nine transfers.

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New Member
Jul 3, 2017
WannaCry used the "EternalBlue" exploit, which made it so effective and resulted in such an enormous spread over all countries, as this exploit has existed since windows xp. However, as this flaw has now been patched, it's unlikely that the new ransomware will achieve such a spread.