Investigating Scaling of Bitcoin. What do we need?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
Hey Tom, great post!

Minor comment: I think you should generously divide the bandwidth available by two (or multiply the bandwidth needed). AFAIR, ptodd or someone else complained to Gavin back when he was proposing 20MB that he counted bandwidth just one-way and bandwidth is counted in both directions - and for a typical node to not be a net drag on the system, it has to upload as much as it downloads.
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Active Member
Feb 26, 2016
I am seeing about 1 hour sync time using iguana and it creates a set of read only memory mapped files, which can be put into bittorrent space.

iguana shows how to scale bitcoin, today and with some additional improvements how it can handle much higher transaction levels


the 1 hour time does not include signature validation for all the transactions, but with the libsecp256k library, 100K+ signatures per second can be validated and it can be done in the background, so over one hour that is 360,000,000 sigs validated

Tom Zander

Active Member
Jun 2, 2016
Hey Tom, great post!

Minor comment: I think you should generously divide the bandwidth available by two (or multiply the bandwidth needed). AFAIR, ptodd or someone else complained to Gavin back when he was proposing 20MB that he counted bandwidth just one-way and bandwidth is counted in both directions - and for a typical node to not be a net drag on the system, it has to upload as much as it downloads.

I talked about bandwidth used and all ISPs I've ever heard of mark their bandwidth as one direction. So if you have 100Mbit, you have 100Mbit downstream. And you have *another* bandwidth, say 20Mbit, upstream.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
I talked about bandwidth used and all ISPs I've ever heard of mark their bandwidth as one direction. So if you have 100Mbit, you have 100Mbit downstream. And you have *another* bandwidth, say 20Mbit, upstream.
Very good point. But is that also the case with a pay-by-volume or a volume-capped plan?
It's a very interesting post, thanks for writing it. The concept of defining goals and searching systematically methods to achieve them, is required and to some part lacking by the current dominant bitcoin development team.

I also highly admire the work you spent into developing Bitcoin Classic. I'm optimistic, that the research you do about scaling will help to develop solutions to overcome current restrictions, and I also agree that a more systematic, goal- and demand-driven approach is what bitcoin-developments requires. But ... your post misses some essential arguments of a large number of small block advocates and with this of the discussion we have for years. So I don't think you will get small blockers to agree, and at this step of the community-split this is what is needed to achieve anything at all.

So ...

1.) "mid-range hardware"

"Last week published a video about time it takes to download, fully validate and check 7 years, or 420000 blocks of Bitcoin history (from day one of Bitcoin). This is 75GB of data which took 6 hours and 50 minutes to fully validate on mid-range hardware. It wasn't cheap hardware, but it was certainly not top-of-the-line or server hardware. In other words, it is a good baseline."

I bought a new cpu not more than 3 month ago, and I know nobody who uses (privately) a better cpu than me. I needed more than 12 hours, I think somethhing about 18 hours. 6 h 50 needs today in most places on earth using an extraordinairy fast cpu, not a mid-range-hardware.

Today it''s already impossible to set up a node on an old laptop, and it's already one of the most intensive memory-tests a system can burden (an extremely tiny bug in the memory is enough to kill the verification process at some time while validating the 100 million transactions, which is why I was completely unable to set up a node on my old system, that was fine for every other allday task)

2.) What needs work?

Your say your goal is to carry 50 million transactions a day. One blockchain-download at this time means downloading and veriying 100 million transactions. So obviously even the "mid-range hardware" would need +6h50 every two days to be installed. After one year you'd need something like 50 days to set up your node.

If you have a design-idea to solve this problem, something like selective validating or checkpoints, you should share and discuss it, because this can be a highly needed, but also controversial subject. In fact I think node setup is the most critical part of scaling.

3.) typical home node

"This preserves Bitcoins greatest assets, you don't have to trust banks or governments. People trusting their local church or football club is much more normal and common to do."

Hm. I don''t like discussions about what bitcoin's "greatest asset" is, since everybody has another idea but nobody can proof anything. However I guess many people thought it was that you have to trust NOONE. Saying people have to trust their local church is somehow ... strange ...

4.) Bandwrith

"The last of the big components for our hone node is Internet connectivity. To reach our goal we need to be able to download 50 million transactions at about 300 bytes each over a 24 hours period ... Ideally we go 5 times as fast to make sure that the node can 'catch up' if it were offline for some time. We may want to add some overhead for other parts as well. But 1.39Mbit minimum is available practically everywhere today. 2Gb which is 1440 times faster than what we need to reach our plan in 5 years is available in countries like Japan today."

I am aware that in the current implementation of the bitcoin protocoll we have a lot of redundancies that waste bandwrith. But 1.39 Mbit for 50 Mio tx / day? This is based on wrong assumptions, even if you use thinblocks (I think the BU-devs can confirm this). 1. a node does not only download, but upload. Upload capacity is usually rarer, so it is the bottleneck. 2. for the network to work efficiently, every node should share his data with some other nodes, usually 8+, and it should do this even in time of transaction peaks in a short frame of time. 3. If a node misses operation-time he has to download archival transactions and new utxo beside the transaction flow 4. If other nodes have missed operation time your node has to provide old blocks and transaction (more upload)

It is possible to imagine a bitcoin-like system, that doesn't have this problems, maybe by finding a more efficient method to propagate transactions. But this is not the Bitcoin we know.

5.) Latency

If I read your post correct, you didn't spend a block on latency, which ist, according to the only person on earth, who wrote his phd about bitcoin scalaiblilty, Dr. Christian Decker, THE major destricting factor on scalability.

Please, don't misunderstand this. I read your post, I read it with delight, but I was not able to not talk about this issues. I'm curious about your answers and I seriously hope, your post and the research you do will result in great solutions to improve bitcoin scalability.
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Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Your say your goal is to carry 50 million transactions a day. One blockchain-download at this time means downloading and veriying 100 million transactions. So obviously even the "mid-range hardware" would need +6h50 every two days to be installed. After one year you'd need something like 50 days to set up your node.

If you have a design-idea to solve this problem, something like selective validating or checkpoints, you should share and discuss it, because this can be a highly needed, but also controversial subject. In fact I think node setup is the most critical part of scaling.
In my opinion, UTXO commitments (checkpoints) would be an effective way to allow relay and mining nodes to start up quickly and without downloading the historical (pruned) data. There is a thread on this topic on this forum.

Latency. If I read your post correct, you didn't spend a block on latency, which ist, according to the only person on earth, who wrote his phd about bitcoin scalaiblilty, Dr. Christian Decker, THE major destricting factor on scalability.
Tom certainly spoke about block latency in the sense that nodes need to "keep up" with the blockchain. I.e., that nodes need to be able to download blocks in less than 10 minutes on average. The Cornell position paper on blockchain scalability discussed this latency or "throughput" problem in detail too.

Regarding latency in terms of orphaning risk, Tom offered "optimistic mining" as an effective strategy (mining prior to full verification). Incidentally, Christian Decker proposed a related idea to more quickly propagate blocks in Fig. 8 of his 2012 paper:

I would also add that orphaning risk due to latency is a natural deterrent to producing blocks that are "too big."
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@Peter_R : I don't want to fragment this thread, because I'm curious what Tom will answer, but some things:
- thanks for the info for setting up a node. Interesting concept, I'll read that in detail.
- i always wondered if it is possible to do some random-partly-validation of old transactions, like validating randomly selected 50%
- Optimistic Mining: some sources about this?
- in the interview he gave me, Christian said the latency problem is something that can maybe reduced, but it's something like a physical limitation. I think thinblock is somehow a gamechanger, but I leave that to the expert.
(it was the megainterview about scaling, if you are interested, try google translater, as it is in german)


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
I think the interview with Decker is interesting. Glad to see he admits that his figures are outdated, and that the limits today are very likely higher. Also interesting is his comment that Lightning did not undergo peer review, in contrast to his group's Duplex Microchannels.

But what I want to say in the context of this thread is that it would be best if some tools to enable estimations similar to Decker's could be built into Bitcoin clients themselves, so that

a) we could have up-to-date estimates all the time
b) there would not be a need for N such experiments to hog connections just to collect data

I don't see his methodology touching on the subject of how his experiments may distort the actual performance of the network. However, when we see similar experiments mistaken for connection slot exhaustion attacks [1], then I think it's fair to say that they are not without influence.
I would also say that going forward, research that does not address the matter of coordinated co-operation with the network can be considered to lead to biased results. Or would you say that your research can remain unbiased if nodes start to ban you because they see you as not behaving in line with expectations on the network?
Mitigating this requires advance notification of scientific network experiments, which includes publishing the experimental design, allowing public discussion (esp. accepting review comments by network operators) and engaging in constructive dialogue with the Bitcoin community.

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