Input and comments welcome on our new project...


New Member
Oct 24, 2017
Hi all,

Firstly - apologies if this is in the wrong thread.

We'd like to get your opinions on a new project we've started - called Satoshis Lotto. The idea behind it is to work towards a small lottery, and use a percentage of this to promote bitcoin through various marketing campaigns.... (which the members can vote on - personally I'd love to put a billboard in front of Jamies office!

With the amount of scams running, we realize early adoption will be very difficult, until enough trust is earned in the system. To address this, we'll run the system completely transparent (through the blockchain, but also a public ledger stating where marketing funds are allocated). We also plan to start with very small buy-ins (currently thinking 1,000 Satoshis) - so that people will not be worried about losing a lot of funds

We think it's a cool project with the potential to create good exposure for bitcoin, so would love anyones advise/opinions!

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New Member
Oct 24, 2017
So this post is around 24hrs old and despite a fair amount of views - it hasn't had any feedback (not sure if negative feedback would have been more encouraging! :) ). Here's hoping that it's just because everyone was super busy making loads of profits with the fork...

This has however made me wonder if putting the marketing of crypto as the primary goal is the right way to go. Assuming more people would be interested in the lottery part, punting that more might improve traction. I do suspect this will be very difficult in itself, with the nr of scams and get free overnight programs out there.

Ultimately I guess it comes down to how to differentiate this program in a market with so many noise. Not giving up yet!

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