Inflation rate of major cryptocurrencies


New Member
Dec 29, 2015
Bitcoin is a storage of value. Unfortunately, it is leaky storage: Every new minted coin takes its value from old coins. The more new coins are minted, the less is old coin's worth. Number of bitcoins currently grows at about 10% per year and would be about 4% per year after the halving. Which would be slightly above of official inflation of major fiat currencies. In 4 years time the inflation will drop below 2%, i.e. will be below fiat's inflation.

Situation with other major coins is worse. But how much worse, I cannot figure out. Inflation of Ether and Dash is somewhere in double-digit area, but is it 10% or 90%? I've tried to find out emission rate for Ether and Dash and wasn't able to do it. :(

You can easy find out how much of coins exists now (78,857,821 of ETH, 6,358,284 of DASH), but you cannot find out how much of them will exist in one year time. It is strange. If you promote a storage of value you should at least say how leaky your storage is!

My finding so far (If I'm wrong, please correct me):

Ether - infllation is up to Vitalik. Currently ETH inflation is very high, but it can drop to zero somewhere this or next year, when ETH will switch from POW to POS.

Dash - number of newly minted coins will decrease 7.1% per year. Which means that inflation rate will continue be high for many years. But what exact rate it is???

EDIT: Ive found numbers for Dash: 17% this year, 13% next year. And reach 2% level in about 15 years. That is Dash would be worse that fiat in this respect for more that decade :(

Does anybody knows the exact numbers for Ether?
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Staff member
Aug 19, 2015
I attended a talk by Gavin Wood, Ethereum's co-founder, last night. According to him, the schedule of the planned switch to PoS is still very murky. When asked specifically about when Serenity (the PoS fork) would be completed, he answered that he was hoping about 90% of the work would be done by February 2017, which would then be followed by a long period of completing everything else and testing. So, in my opinion, Ethereum will continue to be mined at least through the middle or end of 2017 and likely beyond.


New Member
Dec 29, 2015
Thanks Bloomie!
One month ago current production of Eth was 5 ETH every 17 seconds, which means 12% inflation. That is about the same as Dash and 3 times more than BTC after the halving.
So, ballpark estimate for inflation for the next 3 years:

--------- 2016 -- 2017 -- 2018
BTC ----- 7% ---- 4% ---- 4%
ETH ---- 12% --- 6% ---- 0%
DASH - 17% --- 13% -- 11%

Ergo, assuming their market share won't change, the best strategy would be to hold value in BTC and about a mid-2017 switch to ETH.

But I suspect market shares will change, a lot. I just don't know how :)
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2015
There is a calculation of the emission rate of Dash here:

You seem to be putting a bad spin on the emission rate of Dash, I can also say that in five years inflation for Dash will only be five percent. The emission curve of Dash is even shorter when compared to Bitcoin. I consider this reasonable, in terms of a time frame where fees are meant to take over from the block reward, I consider some altcoins to have unreasonably sharp emission curves on the other hand.

The first phase of most cryptocurrencies have high inflation, keep in mind that Bitcoin had around thirty percent inflation for the first four years. This first phase is meant to bootstrap adoption, securing the chain, allowing for a good initial distribution of the currency.

If the adoption rate is high enough growth might even outstrip inflation as we have seen with Bitcoin so far.
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