give this site your receiving address and they will send you money for sharing your referral link back to the page. very easy just include bitcoin address and then copy and paste the link for the referral. <----this one is for the 12$
this one is for a site where you can win around $200. free bitcoin every hour. I get 1500 satoshi every hour. your account that this link goes to gets interest on your balance and you can share with referral commisssions when you are brought to the sign up page please enter this number and we can make referral commissions off each other just by using our accounts <----this one is for the 12$
this one is for a site where you can win around $200. free bitcoin every hour. I get 1500 satoshi every hour. your account that this link goes to gets interest on your balance and you can share with referral commisssions when you are brought to the sign up page please enter this number and we can make referral commissions off each other just by using our accounts