Free $1,000,000,000 Claim


New Member
Jul 10, 2017
Free $1,000,000,000 Claim-- ItsUnholy
Introducing the first cryptocurrency coin backed by all the assets of Wall Street and half the tax revenues of U.S. social programs. This is over $25 trillion that must be divided by only 22 million ItsUnholy tokens. Help free our country of these unholy institutions by claiming their wealth today. Receive your free 1,000 ItsUnholy. For offer details and limitations see ItsUnholy.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2015
This is technically spam because of the clickbait title, but I'm moving it to Off Topic instead of deleting, since the author at least attempted to write something intelligent (but failed).

A more modern example [of communication controlled by violence] would be IRS Form 1040. Everything you say on that Form is the result of threats of violence against you and your property. The communication on that form is communication controlled by violence.
There is no such thing as property today. Property is a government-given right. So your own claim to things you think of as your property is "communication controlled by violence."

Things weren't much better in pre-government times. If you had two horses in your stable, your claim to these horses would be communication controlled by violence, because the most violent person ended up owning the most horses/cattle/land/gold.


New Member
Jul 10, 2017
The government certainly tries to define property ownership but it cannot. Let's say for the sake of demonstration, I have gold coins buried in a field and nobody knows where they are but me. How is that a government given right? It doesn't matter what the government says, they're mine because the government doesn't even know they exist, just me. Your comment is kind of surprising coming from the world of crypto where many coins are owned anonymously.

Your definition of communication controlled by violence is absurd. There is no communication controlled by violence by my claim to own the gold coins.

As for the headline, I can change that easily enough if that would satisfy you.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2015
Your claim to the buried coins is communication controlled by violence, according to your own definition. In a government-free society, you have to use violence or a threat of violence in order to defend your "ownership" of these coins. In a more modern society, you have to ask for the government's help, i.e. laws. I am simply demonstrating how absurd your 1040 form example is.
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New Member
Jul 10, 2017
I strongly support the need for government and government violence and the use of violence to protect oneself and one's property from violence. How else could we protect ourselves from the violence of this world? My theory of unholiness is strictly a theory about the use of violence to CONTROL COMMUNICATION. The crucifixion of Jesus was the use violence to control communication. Certainly you are not saying this was necessary for the existence of government and property rights?

As far as Form 1040 goes, I'm sure if we took that form away from the government, they'd figure out another way to take our money. I really wouldn't worry about them. They'll be fine. There isn't a government in the history of the world that couldn't figure a way to take all the money, Form 1040 or not.

Yes, absolutely. This web site as well as the internet are dependent upon communication controlled by violence. There are three key reasons why I am on this web page anyway. First, this web site to some degree may be dependent on unholiness, but it is not as dependent as the main stream media with their violent backed Wall Street stock ownership, exclusive violent backed broadcast licenses, etc. So then by my supporting this web site instead of the main stream media, I am in effect boycotting the more unholy media and supporting this less contaminated news source. As I do this, I am actually proving the truth of the theory because the product I get is much better. The articles are more focused on my issue of interest and I can participate and hear the participation of others with relatively little screening. If I spent all my time on the more violence controlled MSM as many in our society do, I would be, well, a moron.

The second reason I am on this web page despite contamination by unholiness is because everything on this earth is God's bounty. For my theory to say that we can't touch God's bounty just because it's contaminated by unholiness would be like saying if your were dying of thirst in a desert, you should refuse to drink water offered because it's chlorinated tap water. The water is still God's bounty. The water itself is still a beautiful gift, it's the contamination that's the problem. If I have a choice, I will pick the least contaminated water, but I'm not going to pay some outragous amount for the purest water on earth. I am not going to boycott 99% of God's bounty just because it has some contamination.

My refusal to buy the purest water on earth is the basis for the third reason. We all have a mission in life. How could Christ have done what he did if he refused to expose himself to the contamination of unholiness? Since our world is so heavily contaminated, to help the world at all, you just have to expose yourself to contamination. I will always make the choice of least contamination but I'm not going to kill my mission in life by demanding 100% purity.

Now having said all these justifications for exposing myself to contamination, the dependency of my coin on the contaminated blockchain and internet are it's weakest links and will eventually become a problem. In fact, the primary way the coin will be promoted will be on the streets, not the internet. Direct communication on the streets will be less contaminated by unholiness and therefore will be better according to my theory. Then there's the contamination of the blockchain itself. It's just too vulnerable to the forces of violence and ultimately is controlled by them since the government controls the cable lines. I am taking on the most powerful forces in the world, I would not be surprised if someday I have to do some sort of hard fork to physical proof of the property claims.

Finally, the one place we should not compromise with contamination of unholiness is with our words, which certainly includes the very Form 1040 that you mention. If the theory is right and Christ is right that we will be judged by every word, then IRS Form 1040 is in fact contaminating our immortal souls with threats of violence actually putting words into our mouths.
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