Embedded media loading cut off

Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

I'm sure others have noticed that longer reddit comments and such will not expand properly sometimes. I believe I've identified the conditions under which they will not expand: if the fold is in the bottom half of the browser window. If the fold is in the top half of the browser window, the whole thing expands correctly.

This has been happening since the beginning, on both PC Chrome and Android's default browser.

Test it out with this comment by clicking "Read more" while the "Read more" link is in the lower half of the browser window, then reload the page and try it with it in the upper half:

Dammit, it's working now. I guess the point is that it seems to ONLY happen for me when the fold is in the lower half of the browser window. Can it be fixed? It forces the user to reload every time to see the media, if they even know how to fix it. As reddit and this forum integrate more because of the crossover I think this will become a bigger issue.
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Active Member
Dec 17, 2015
Yeah, I've noticed this same issue and it's obnoxious. BTW, how do you embed quotes from Reddit? My forum-fu is very weak.