Eazy -  Mobile masternode management platform


New Member
Jul 27, 2018

What is EAZY?

EAZY is a new state-of-the-art masternode management platform to manage your masternode portfolio with simplicity of checking your emails from wherever you are. Isn’t that EAZY?

Coin Info

Name: EazyNode
Ticker: EAZY
Type: PoS
Algo: Xevan

Whitepaper : https://eazynode.io/eazypaper.pdf

Mobile MasterNode Management

With simplicity of checking emails

Let’s get into the Introduction of EAZY straight away!

-> Setting up a Masternode is not an easy process & you need to search for the correct guides & tutorials to setup and run the Masternode. Also you need to find the best & reliable server for it.

EAZY wants to change it & makes it simple for you!

It’s friendly to use Interface provides a fast access to the most important features of your running Masternodes such as daily returns, ROI, prices and many more. The EAZY Platform enables masternode setup without technical knowledge and without difficulties.

The main motive of this project is to create a tool for solving all the masternode investors biggest problems when managing their portfolio, e.g detailed monitoring, comparing your running masternodes profitability and exchanging current masternodes on the platform as they are.

EAZY saves the process of constructing a masternode from scratch, like acquiring a server for your masternode, looking for a setup guide or a video and especially maintaining the masternode with updates in order to be earning constantly with a stable ROI. For a regular investor with no technical knowledge, this can be a painful task. With EAZY, investors can invest in masternodes of their choice with a simplicity of a few clicks.

What can EAZY do for you?

EAZY Masternode Monitoring — You can keep track of all your masternodes in real time environment inorder to make sure you’re generating your passive income.

EAZY Masternode Sharing — Unite all of your coins to shared-masternode provided by EAZY in a secure way.

EAZY Masternode Exchange — Sell all your rewars/complete masternodes instantly using EAZY exchange and re-invest in another masternode of your choice.

EAZY Masternode Comparison — You can keep an eye new opportunities & get notified whenever new masternode coins are listed.

Official EAZY Links :

EAZYNode : https://eazynode.io

Website : http://eazy.online/

Discord : https://discord.gg/RrxCGj4

Twitter : https://twitter.com/eazynode

EAZY WAllet : https://github.com/eazynode/eazy/releases