Does anyone use a crypto trading bot? If so which one do you use?


New Member
Oct 13, 2018
In my opinion trading robots can make the life of a trader much easier, allowing automating many routine operations 24/7, increasing the speed of work, reducing error rates and fatigue.

Can you share your experiences with trading bots please?


New Member
Nov 1, 2018
Hi @BradRB,

Myself i do not use trading bots because it does not feel fine when a bot is tradig for you. I prefer to spend more time and then focus on the trades rather than win time and not give full attention to it. Maybe it's an idea if you take a closer look at trading signals? These are small messages that indicate whether a coin will fall or rise and at what price you have to buy or sell. Myself i use the trading signals from They have a 89% success rate so that making a profit is possible! I am also in their telegram group (which is free) where many great tips appear!

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