Defining a new voice for the bitcoin community.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
I must say goodbye to

It is clear the mods do not appreciate my extremist "big blocks" attitude. they do not want genuine decision over there, they want to control people's perception of the bitcoin community, and the whole Classic Vs Core debate.

I once bought up the issue of governance on, i talked about a similar model now employed by dash. when i brought it up i was met with an unbelievable amount of skepticism and trollishness. My ideas maybe slightly nutty at times, but i would like the opportunity to discuss them without getting blasted by sock puppets whose only purpose is to validate the status quo and ridicule innovative ideas which challenge the status quo.

It has become incressingly clear that is not a discaion forum, but rather a place used to reinfoce the the power of the status quo. through various means like sock puppets shooting down your comments in a trollish way, moderation which boarderline on censorship, or flat out banning poeple whose ideas differs from their own, they have achieved near perfect control over the perception of the bitcoin communities voice. when poeple want to know how the community itself feels about any given subject, we look to to gauge this. and we are fooled into thinking the community favors one thing strongly because of the all the BCT sock puppets.

If they want a forum which simply depicts the admins point of view only, let them have it! leave! let us form a new bitcoin community here on this forum. We will not blast you with trollish arguments, we understand different poeple have different points of views and we value diversity. Join us in defining a new voice for the bitcoin community!

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Active Member
Dec 31, 2015
Yeah... unhhh... NO.

I get that it is a hostile place, controlled carefully to adhere to a single script, inhabited mostly by those faithful to Core (well, them, plus a huge assortment of sig-farmers, trolls, noobs, and nincompoops). But it remains 'The Voice of the Cryptocurrency Revolution'. This is ground we cannot cede.


Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
The first step to NOT making it the voice of the cryptocurrency revolution is to post here. As quality and variety increase here and trolling and repetition increase there search engines will algorithmicly "notice" and then the users will follow.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
The first step to NOT making it the voice of the cryptocurrency revolution is to post here. As quality and variety increase here and trolling and repetition increase there search engines will algorithmicly "notice" and then the users will follow.
a.k.a. "Build it, and they will come"

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