Deep Bitcoin Scholarship

Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The way the holders have the balls to hold is that they understand what is happening. The world is switching over to the World Wide Ledger (Bitcoin Cash). If you want be able to hold on to your coins, deeper research and thought about the system in the grand sweep of things is essential. Here are some links for deep Bitcoin scholarship covering the right side of this diagram by @Peter R.

Natural Order (relevant to many aspects of Bitcoin; Bitcoin is itself an example of a natural order)

Money as Memory (why money is just a ledger)


Investor Control over Bitcoin

Panarchy (governance without territorial monopoly)

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Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

  • How an Economy Grows and Why it Doesn't, don't knock the 1960s feel, this is still be best crash course in economics I've ever found [MUST READ for econ newbs]
  • Google "Economics in One Lesson" (book, available in PDF) [longer, but still MUST READ]
  • Human Action, Ludwig von Mises's magnum opus; if you have a few weeks :)
  • See also most of the resources listed under Natural Order, as there is much crossover (the economy is one of the quintessential examples of a natural order)


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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
nice compendium

Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

Once you understand natural orders, it becomes more clear why Bitcoin's ledger encodes incredibly valuable economic information that would be lost when zeroing it out. It's the same reason AI research has hit a roadblock: you cannot simply set up a neural net and feed it examples to work on. To be useful to humans it needs to go through the same kinds of trials and tribulations that individual humans (and human societies) go through in developing their patterns of behavior in such a way as to carefully optimize their life for greatest satisfaction (or their society for greatest prosperity) in the environment we face. Not only that, it likely needs to come with somewhat the same instinctive utility function and other presets and biases human babies have, which were developed through the evolutionary process within this environment.

Both altcoiners and many AI researchers fall prey to this blank slate fallacy, neglecting the immense information encoded in those presets in the human brain and in the ledger of a mature economy. (See this post linked in OP:


Staff member
Aug 29, 2015
I'm currently reading Thomas Schelling's Strategy of Conflict.

Interesting analysis game theory with focus on situations where parties benefit from coordinating their actions. Elaborates the concepts of focal points (now often referred to as Schelling points), and commitment strategies.

It offers a useful lens through which to view the dynamic process of consensus formation around mining, proof of work, and validation of blocks by nodes.