Dash - DigitalCash


Staff member
Aug 19, 2015
I would recommend just answering questions from our members when they arise and cutting out the PR echo chamber, which only makes it look like you're overpromoting the product.


New Member
Mar 13, 2016
Dash is getting very close to the 5th spot in marketcap. Disregarding Ripple, that would mean only BTC, LTC and ETH above it. This would certainly mean much more attention to what Dash actually is, and my guess is that people will like what they see when they investigate. Interesting times ahead....


Active Member
Nov 16, 2015
I consider Dash to be one of the best alternative cryptocurrencies around. If Bitcoin is fundamentally flawed I would think that Dash will have solved these problems, with a self funding blockchain and incentivized full nodes casting votes. Not to mention instantly confirmed transactions and optional anonymity.

Masternodes have even recently voted to increase the blocksize to two megabytes, increasing the throughput of Dash eight times that of Bitcoin.

With incentivized full nodes there is no tragedy of the commons and danger of node centralization, since most masternodes are already hosted in datacentres anyway, so I am sure they will vote to increase the blocksize again when the time comes, that is my kind of cryptocurrency. ;)
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2015
I have been running a masternode indeed, have been for the last year, proud to do so, will continue running my masternode even up to the point where Dash starts funding standing armies, taking blockchain security to the next level. ;)

Was a bit of learning curve at first but Tao's guide really helped a lot setting it up, makes it easy even for windows dummies like myself.


@tungfa You are being paid by the dash blockchain right? I think that is so cool, there are not a lot of people that can say they are employed directly by a decentralized automated protocol. :D
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Feb 14, 2016
hehe, good :D
same here, am running a couple but have them hosted (flare) as i am not technical savvy enough to do it myself + no time to update and learn linux honestly !

Yes, i am officially paid by blockchain ! how amazing is that, we are only getting small team payments (but better than nothing, as of the last 2 years ;))
i still have a daytime job, but now with receiving team payments it is so much more fun (and worth it) to spend so much time here with Dash
am having a blast, this team and community rules !
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2015
Yeah agreed, it is definitely my favorite cryptocurrency now, I have lost much hope in Bitcoin recently. Dash best preserves the original vision of Satoshi and importantly fixes a potential fundamental flaw within Bitcoin. The self funding blockchain is very important in this regard.
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Feb 14, 2016
i agree, but the real kicker is the Voting system !
being able to have a voice and being 'involved' in the decisions the team is making is what it is all about.
No doubt, we and the community are still learning how to deal with that (way too many emotions so far), but evan changes in 12.1 (Contracts), and restarting the whole voting process (all proposals will be voted down and restarted again) will be a great new (2nd) start
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2015
Yeah, the two go hand in hand, a self funding blockchain definitely needs a clearly defined voting mechanism in order for the funds to be well assigned. The collateral required to run a masternode also helps to create positive incentives on the operators.

I have given the governance of cryptocurrencies a lot of thought especially due to the blocksize debate within Bitcoin. There are only a few other projects that do this. There is bitshares, which has an even more complex governance mechanism, it is less decentralized however, I would consider it to be the next solution after Dash however for solving the problems Bitcoin is experiencing, since I favor simplicity which is why I favor Dash first. There is also Decred however I am skeptical that the funding is going to the foundation instead of it being voted on like it is in Dash and Bitshares.

This is in part why I consider Dash to be the best alternative cryptocurrency, it most closely aligns with the original vision of Satoshi. Even the name sounds like the title of the Bitcoin whitepaper, digital cash. :)


Feb 14, 2016
ja simplicity rules !
our system seems simple enough and look at all the complications we are dealing with, specially if you consider scaling this to a much much bigger community/investors/marketcap !
we are on the right track, but still work to do, we are on this now since 5-6 month maybe and are still in the Beta Version of governance.
a big problem (in my opinion) is the emotional involvement of all voters and proposal owners. we had quite a lot of people fall off after their proposals (for whatever reasons) were not voted in. i encourage everybody to do their homework, not only on the proposal (details, tech, what is actually needed,...) but as well on 'how to promote' a proposal, example: crowdsourcing PR
most proposals are too complicate for the general user to understand, too technical, not enough and simple enough explained, + a promotion video does wonders ;)
anyway, we are getting there, 12.1 should make it even more interesting
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2015
I am also still a fan of Dash as well :)

One very interesting thing to note here is that because of the self funding mechanism of the Dash protocol. When the price quadruples so does development funding, marketing, lobbying and outreach all quadruple as well. Essentially the fundamentals of Dash improve as the price goes up. It is an incredibly powerful positive feedback loop.
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Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
@tungfa thanks for the information.
Are there plans to allow masternodes with less than 1000 DASH?
It is quite expensive these days to create such a node.