Crypto winter survivors. Blackmoon posts a digest for the first time in 6 months + rumours about TON


New Member
Jun 18, 2019
I'm an early Blackmoon investor. I've been using the platform since May 2018 and enjoy it. But last winter I became concerned when they stopped posting their regular digests. This made me worry that they had stopped working on platform development. Despite the fact that they kept launching new products such as Uber IPO or Lyft IPO, I felt like there was a lack of information.

A few days ago they finally posted a new digest and shared some important information, they even launched a new podcast. To my relief, Blackmoon had not stopped working on platform development. So, let's see what they have for us.

1. New products:




- LYFT (BMxLyft)


2. Developments and new features

- Cryptocurrency and fiat deposits.

- New service Apollo - automatic coin liquidation.

Link to their digest:

But the most intriguing thing is that I think that Blackmoon is affiliated with TON - Telegram Open Network. I based my conclusion on these facts:

1. Oleg Seydak, the CEO, posted on Facebook that they are looking for developers for a new project called GRAM Vault. "GRAM Vault — is a joint venture of the largest investors in the Telegram Open Network and is the biggest storage solution and trading provider for Grams – the most anticipated cryptocurrency in the world developed by Telegram."

2. Blackmoon's poster in Malta is divided into two parts. One is dedicated to Blackmoon, another one is about Gram vault. I don't think that it's a coincidence.

Also, there are rumours that Blackmoon is launching a new crypto exchange.

What do you think about it guys?! Will it be the first exchange which lists Gram?


New Member
Dec 10, 2017
Looks like no one cares about that. Well, you should, because first come, first serve.


New Member
Jun 18, 2019
Of course, I care. I'm an investor, I never hid that. I think if Blackmoon and TON are related, it might affect the token price.
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New Member
Dec 10, 2017
Despite the fact that I was told that no one cares :D I'm sharing this link with you guys
I think it's a proof that Blackmoon and Telegram are related

Thank you, I have not seen this before.

BTW, there are rumores that the development of the core TON technology is almost completed, according to sources close to Telegram. The release should be rolled out by 1 September 2019. It will include the code of a node and the network validation module. The TON team is finalizing the documentation for these instruments. This will be the final release before the launch of the main network. The main network will go live after public tests.