College student looking to interview Bitcoin users for school project.


New Member
Mar 25, 2016
My name is Chris and I’m putting together a project for my undergrad class that looks at how Bitcoin’s price fluctuation affect trading volumes as well as the social dynamics which play into price fluctuations. I am looking from some help in the form of answering some questions. Sadly, I cannot pay anyone but if there is enough interest I will post the finding of my research on here so everyone can see their contribution to the Bitcoin community. Please feel free to answer publicly or by PM .

Thanks again,


Q1: What is the most common way you use Bitcoin? (Ex: Do you just trade Bitcoin? Do you use it to buy goods and services? Do you mine Bitcoins? Etc.)

Q2: Why do you prefer Bitcoin to other virtual currencies?

Q3: How often do you use Bitcoin (Ex: Daily, weekly, casual trading when the price is right? Etc.)

Q4: How confident are you in Bitcoin’s promise of anonymity, security, and transparency?

Q5: How confident are you that Bitcoin will be a viable currency for years to come; what gives you this confidence, or what gives you skepticism?

Q6: What are your perceptions on the reasons behind increased activity on the network? (More buying and selling of goods and services, more mining etc.)

Q7: Have you noticed a change in your own Bitcoin using habits as a result of increased activity on the network or a particular group of Bitcoin users; why or why not?

Q8: What are your perceptions on the reasons behind decreased activity on the network?

Q9: Have you noticed a change in your own Bitcoin using habits as a result of decreased activity on the network or a particular group of Bitcoin users; why or why not?

Q10: How closely do you monitor the changes in Bitcoin activity on the network, and do you think there is a relationship between user activity and Bitcoin price?

Q11: How closely related are Bitcoin user activity and Bitcoin price?
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
@cd4952a what adam said. Maybe you should post here the list of questions and sharing privately a link to google form or to a surveymonkey questionnaire.


New Member
Mar 25, 2016
Good idea,

Here are my questions. For those who are able to answer the questions, please try to answer the questions the best you can in a sentence or two per question. You can email or message me your responses, or post them publicly.

Thank you again to those who are able to commit some time. I really appreciate it!!!!

Q1: What is the most common way you use Bitcoin? (Ex: Do you just trade Bitcoin? Do you use it to buy goods and services? Do you mine Bitcoins? Etc.)

Q2: Why do you prefer Bitcoin to other virtual currencies?

Q3: How often do you use Bitcoin (Ex: Daily, weekly, casual trading when the price is right? Etc.)

Q4: How confident are you in Bitcoin’s promise of anonymity, security, and transparency?

Q5: How confident are you that Bitcoin will be a viable currency for years to come; what gives you this confidence, or what gives you skepticism?

Q6: What are your perceptions on the reasons behind increased activity on the network? (More buying and selling of goods and services, more mining etc.)

Q7: Have you noticed a change in your own Bitcoin using habits as a result of increased activity on the network or a particular group of Bitcoin users; why or why not?

Q8: What are your perceptions on the reasons behind decreased activity on the network?

Q9: Have you noticed a change in your own Bitcoin using habits as a result of decreased activity on the network or a particular group of Bitcoin users; why or why not?

Q10: How closely do you monitor the changes in Bitcoin activity on the network, and do you think there is a relationship between user activity and Bitcoin price?

Q11: How closely related are Bitcoin user activity and Bitcoin price?


Sep 17, 2015
Q1: What is the most common way you use Bitcoin? (Ex: Do you just trade Bitcoin? Do you use it to buy goods and services? Do you mine Bitcoins? Etc.)
I use it mainly to buy goods on the internet and do some trading against other cryptocurrencies.

Q2: Why do you prefer Bitcoin to other virtual currencies?
Mainly because it has the most liquidity and most real world usage (besides pure speculation) in the current crop of cryptocurrencies. Also I consider the original philosophy behind Bitcoin equally important. It's very important to me that it remains "peer-to-peer electronic cash" as outlined by Satoshi in the Bitcoin whitepaper.

Q3: How often do you use Bitcoin (Ex: Daily, weekly, casual trading when the price is right? Etc.)

Q4: How confident are you in Bitcoin’s promise of anonymity, security, and transparency?
Actually Bitcoin doesn't promise or provide anonymity. The only way to be confident is to realize that and not transact in ways you don't want to be revealed. For anonymity you have to use mixing services or a more private cryptocurrency such as Monero.

Q5: How confident are you that Bitcoin will be a viable currency for years to come; what gives you this confidence, or what gives you skepticism?
Not very confident. Reason for my skepticism is the planned change toward second layer solutions by Bitcoin Core together with limiting transaction rate on the Bitcoin blockchain. I'm not against second layer solutions, but I think that the main chain should stay viable for all kinds of transactions and should not be artificially limited.

Q6: What are your perceptions on the reasons behind increased activity on the network? (More buying and selling of goods and services, more mining etc.)
Bitcoin has been attracting more users and uses. Trading in altcoin markets has increased and Bitcoin works as vehicle to transfer conventional money into these markets. Also I presume gambling has increased (although I haven't followed that sector). Some of the recent peaks in activity have been caused by "stress tests" or "spam attacks", whichever way you want to call them.

Q7: Have you noticed a change in your own Bitcoin using habits as a result of increased activity on the network or a particular group of Bitcoin users; why or why not?

Q8: What are your perceptions on the reasons behind decreased activity on the network?
Most recently bumping against the blocksize limit and the resulting loss of confidence.

Q9: Have you noticed a change in your own Bitcoin using habits as a result of decreased activity on the network or a particular group of Bitcoin users; why or why not?
I've moved more of my Bitcoin holdings into altcoin markets as I feel uneasy to hold too much bitcoins due to the blocksize lock-up.

Q10: How closely do you monitor the changes in Bitcoin activity on the network, and do you think there is a relationship between user activity and Bitcoin price?
I follow the activity quite closely. Historically there has been a clear correlation (although not immediate) with bitcoin price and the transaction rate. Currently the user activity cannot increase due to blocksize limit and so I'm not so confident about the further price increases.

Q11: How closely related are Bitcoin user activity and Bitcoin price?
See above.
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Here are my questions. For those who are able to answer the questions, please try to answer the questions the best you can in a sentence or two per question. You can email or message me your responses, or post them publicly.
It would probably be advisable to edit your original thread post and stick these questions right on the top, so newcomers will immediately see them with your post :)

That way, they won't be tempted to read the rest of the responses and be influenced by others' opinions.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
Q1: It's hard to say i use BTC to do all kinds of things, buy goods, sell goods, invest, trade, gamble. I guess i use the most BTC when trading, but thats the nature of the game...

Q2: to many reasons to count... #1 no other altcoin has as much poeple behind it as bitcoin does.

Q3: I don't use it very often, primarily its an investment to me, but that doesn't stop me from buying/selling goods, or going to play a game of poker with 20$ every once in awhile.

Q4: very, but i dont go out of my way to make my BTC payment anonymous, pseudo-anonymous is just fine for my usages ...

Q5: very, BTC holds all the right properties that make up sound money, the biggest problem these days is the blockchains lack of capacity ( only can process ~4 TX / second ) but i think this will be solved with both capacity increases, and second layer solutions.

Q6: It's no secret bitcoin has been getting more and more users onboard there are ~2million reasons behind increased activity.

Q7: No, there simply isn't enough excessive usage to effect me, i simply pay a sighlty higher fee then i use to ( ~5cents) and i feel no difference.

Q8: huh?

Q9: huh?

Q10: there most certainly is... i look at network activity stats weekly, but mostly i just need to look at price, market price takes into account all things bitcoin.

Q11:I'm seeing more and more of a disconnect between the two, i remember back in the day, a mining equipment company released a new product which they sold world wide for BTC and then sold the BTC of USD, and market really did a nice wave on that one, first up as everyone bought BTC to get a chance to buy the products, and then a down as the BTC were sold for USD.
We dont see this anymore, the market has grown to much.


New Member
Mar 25, 2016
thank you all for the responses, i'm going to re-post the questions (like mentioned above).