Cancri Diamond Coin ICO


New Member
Dec 31, 2017
United Republic of Cancri, inc., founded in 2012 are the sole ambassadors for the rightful owners of 55 Cancri planetary system located approximately 41 Light-years from Earth. While building a new project with new applications for blockchain technology, UROC, Inc. noticed a MAJOR issue with online security. Multiple mining pools and exchanges are being hacked for tens of millions of dollars and people are losing faith in keeping their digital assets online. We have the solution, the UROC Secure Block.

55 Cancri E, The Diamond Planet has it’s own Cryptocurrency, the Cancri Diamond Coin, “CCD”. FORBES estimated the value of the Diamond Planet at $26.9 NONILLION DOLLARS (30 zeros). The CCD are being used to develop the New UROC Secure Block technology, and blockchain Real Property Decentralization. The UROC Secure Block is a randomized encryption technology structured to fully secure online wallets for mining pools, exchanges, digital holdings, social sites, and more. The blockchain property decentralization technology not only opens the door to decentralized property exchange but will also allow for the issuance of incremental property ownership while supporting a safe peer to peer transaction.

The infinite possibilities of Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have made it easy for the declared owners of 55 Cancri E to SHARE THE WEALTH! United Republic of Cancri, Inc. currently in the Pre-Sale Phase, is holding an ICO, launching February 1, 2018 thru February 28, 2018, to share in the development of their virtual project with blockchain technology. Accepting BTC, ETH, USD, and more, this will be the FIRST virtual site to use blockchain technology with it’s own cryptocurrency, CCD, and members can join a mining pool to EARN cryptocurrency while they surf in an ultra secure environment.

Many missed out on the initial rise of Bitcoin, but the rise of cryptocurrency has only just begun. The CCD token is being offered in phases. Opening at $0.07 ea, and rising to pre-sale at $0.11 on January 1, 2018, then rising once per week during the ICO 02/1/2018 – 02/28/2018...once it’s gone it’s GONE.

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