Roadmap 2018 status report!
Hello everyone, I hope winter is going smoothly for all folks from the Northern Hemisphere, and as for the other side of the globe, enjoy your summer at its best! Have you noticed, everytime I post a Roadmap update, I have some really good news, then also something disappointing. I swear I am not doing this on purpose! It's just how life goes in development and coding - certain things go better than expected, then some things which appear trivial at first glance end up being a complicated puzzle.
So here we are, as of today:
1) The staking roadblock is cleared - after removing the whole staking algo and putting in our new PoSP code, we have successfully staked a bunch of blocks with new codebase directly in live CBX blockchain; those who wish to see Vault 3 currently in action can check out this address As a hidden treat, Vault 3 was able to embed some text in its first succesful stake ever, for posterity: (Click on Raw Transaction)
2) With this achievement in mind, within 2 weeks, we will now be able to finally wrap things up and deliver a functional Vault 3.0.0 alpha; the good news with this version is many current bugs of Vault 2.4.3 will be fixed - so Vault 3 alpha will have all features of current Vault 2.4.3 (minus the bugs) however it will still not contain any code for BPNs yet. This Vault will have the new visual elements and use the new name, "Bullion".
3) About BPNs, which will be our interpretation of masternodes; things are moving ahead BUT as we are clarifying our own unique goals (emphasis on unique), we have come to realize that we have to recode everything. Our masternode system cannot be a simple copy-paste from other projects for a few reasons - one important reason is our concept of "queue" which does not exist anywhere else with PoS.
When someone signs up his 2000 CBX for a masternode, he enters a queue to become a BPN. If there are less than 125 BPNs active, his BPN becomes active quickly and starts to earn - if there are more than 125 BPNs, then the inactive BPN goes in a queue and does not earn until one of the 125 disconnects and frees up a spot.
4) New name, new logo: we need a new, more modern Bullion website! So we have purchased a new domain name, and work has started on the design of the new webpage. gatonegro97 has expressed his interest in helping us with this, and his experience in programming will be useful to create something original. Naturally we will put in all useful links on this page; if you have a special idea for this new website, please mention it here.
Welcome to gatonegro97 to the team for this project, and hopefully many more after that!
The Crypto Bullion Team